Page 94 of Built of Secrets
Okay. This wasn’t what he’d expected at all.
“One option. Transfer here. You can have your choice of positions. Finding stolen kids is the most emotionally draining job I know. There are other jobs that might give you as much satisfaction while not putting as much stress on you and your personal life.”
Sam’s mouth dropped open. His choice of positions?
“Option two. Freelance for the FBI. I’ve got a team of terrific agents, but there are times, as you know, when we need outside resources.”
He did know. Red tape and protocol had hindered many operations. The FBI followed very strict procedures and, stepping outside the lines was frowned upon.
Which had lead to his mountain range of paperwork today.
“I think you would make an excellent addition to the team either way. I don’t want an answer today. You’ve had an incredibly difficult and emotional day. Think about it and we’ll talk in the next few weeks. Now, why don’t you head out of here and check on your Tansy? I’ll handle the rest for you.”
Sam thanked her and headed to the parking lot. Graham had given him the keys to his car when he’d gone in the ambulance with Tansy. Sam started the Charger, input the hospital into the GPS, and made his back to Keene.
Inside, it didn’t take long to get access to Tansy. An FBI badge went a long way. That would be one perk he’d miss.
The thought halted him. Shanice’s offer tempted him, but his gut wanted to move on. Freelance might be an excellent fit.
Shanice knew he’d screwed up in allowing Tansy to be taken in the first place, and she wanted him and his experience anyway.
Tansy was in a private room off the emergency area. An officer stood outside the room and checked over Sam’s badge before making a call to his superior to approve his entry.
The procedure slowed him down, but he couldn’t be upset. The extra steps were keeping Tansy safe, and that was all that mattered.
“Go ahead inside, Agent Young.”
Sam nodded his thanks and opened the door.
Graham grinned at Sam, but Tansy didn’t react. Her eyes were closed, and she looked so tiny in the bed.
How badly had she been hurt?
Sam’s hands fisted, and he wanted to race through the hospital looking for the thug and rip him into tiny pieces.
Before he could move, Tansy’s eyes flew open and locked on his. Her smile soothed him. Everything righted, and Sam moved to the side of the bed to take her hand and lean down to kiss her forehead. “Hey. How are you feeling?”
Graham stood. “I’m going to grab some coffee and see if I can find any off-duty doctors or nurses to chat up.”
Tansy smiled as he left. “I like your friend.”
Sam kissed her gently. “Me too. I like you more.” Her smile was the best thing he’d ever seen.
“I like you more, too. Is Howard in jail? What happened at the office? Are you in trouble for shooting him?”
Sam sat in the chair, kept his hand in hers. “He’s in an interview room waiting on a high-priced lawyer. And, no, I’m not in trouble. It was a clean shoot. Just a lot of paperwork. Tell me what the doctor said.”
Tansy searched his eyes. That she’d been worried about him and the fact that he’d fired his weapon made him smile. She was the one injured, but she was worried about him.
Even after he’d let her down. Before she answered his question, he squeezed her hand. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to stop them taking you, Tansy. I didn’t prepare properly for an underwater attack. There were so many easier ways they could get to you. I shouldn’t have dismissed it.”
She lifted her hand to brush over his lips. “Stop apologizing. It’s not your fault. It’s over because you figured out the tracking device. Graham filled me in on what happened. I don’t have any memory between doing Tai Chi and waking up when they threw a bucket of water in my face.”
Sam hadn’t even looked at what she was wearing, but now he realized her wet clothes were gone and she wore a hospital gown and was under the blankets. “Okay, enough stalling. What did the doctor say?”
She rolled her eyes. “We’re still waiting for x-ray results. The cuts have been cleaned and sterilized. There wasn’t any evidence of poison or rust.”
Sam lifted the blanket. “Mind if I look?”