Page 23 of Craving Their Mate
Grayson returned to his human form.Shit. His car was parked all the way back on the main road.Oh, well. It would be a long trek back, but if he remained in his human form, the guards would never be able to prove he’d been the wolf in question.
He was halfway down the hill to the main roadway when a car—make that his car—approached. He was quite happy to see his friend was safe and had come to rescue him, though the ribbing would be intense.
Rider stopped. “Need a lift?”
“You’re funny,” Grayson said as he hopped in. “Did anyone see you?”
“I don’t think so. What happened to the two guards?”
“Best I could tell, they’re still looking for a pesky wolf.”
“I guess the question of there being cameras was answered,” Rider said.
“I didn’t see any, though the walls were blocked with trees and shrubs.”
“Could there be some kind of detectors in the ground that set off some alerts?” Rider asked.
“Excellent question. I suppose there could be, but would it really be sensitive enough for a wolf? A man I get, but there are a lot of animals back there. The guards would constantly be asked to investigate.”
“Regardless, we know they have security. We'll have to be more cautious when we come back for our backpacks tonight,” Rider said.
“Absolutely. I know you were doubtful, but I found what I believe is an escape tunnel.”
“No shit. Tell me.”
Grayson explained how he’d discovered it. “I’d just cleared off a small portion of the ground cover when the guards showed up. From the little I’d exposed, I didn't see a latch to pull it up or anything.”
“It might be a one-way escape tunnel.”
“Could be. Just having it there implies, but doesn’t prove, something illegal is going on in that place.”
Rider turned onto the main road that drove past the Harrison Industries' building. When Grayson looked over, there weren’t any search teams rushing out or sirens blaring. The guards must have thought they’d scared off the wolf and that was that.
“Not to be a downer, but is it possible your escape tunnel is really just a fire escape route for all employees?” Rider asked.
Grayson pictured what would happen if there was an explosion in the lab. “You have a point. We should ask Paris. All employees should know about something like that.”
“Call her,” Rider urged.
Grayson didn’t need a reason to do so. He wanted to hear her voice.
“Grayson? Is everything okay?”
Was she worried about him? “I’m great. I have a question for you.”
He explained about the metal plate in the ground. “It could be an escape tunnel for Richard Delancey, or it could be for the staff in case of a fire.”
“In the two years I’ve been there, no one’s mentioned what would happen if there was a fire. It’s kind of scary to think about that oversight.”
“I agree. If the front entrance is blocked, is there any way for you to get out of the compound? Any kind of back exit or anything?”
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “Not to my knowledge, but Jenna’s been at the company longer than me. I can ask her.”
“That would be helpful.”
“What do you think it means?” Paris asked.