Page 29 of Craving Their Mate
“So now what?”
He looked over at Rider.“What about asking Paris to dinner so she can meet Liam and Rider and discuss the planting of the camera?”
“Sounds good.”
“Hey, Paris. Two of the men from Rider’s company have joined us to help. We’d like you to meet them. Are you free for dinner?”
“Sure. Tell me when and where?”
They discussed a few options. In the end, they picked a place two towns over. Everyone agreed that if possible, they shouldn’t be seen together. “How about meeting us at our motel, and we can drive together?” To his delight, Paris didn't balk this time. He told her which hotel and their room number.
* * *
Liam and Alex had just settled in their room when Paris knocked on Rider’s room door. Neither seemed to need to look through the peephole since their bodies reacted to being this close to Paris.
“Rider.” Grayson nodded to the hair on the back of his friend's hands.
“What the fuck?”
Did Rider have no idea what that meant? He couldn't be that clueless.
Grayson pulled open the door to give Rider a moment to calm down. “Hey, Paris. Come in.”
She stepped in the room and looked around. “Nice digs.”
Really? This place was anything but upscale, but at least it was clean.
Rider pulled out the small camera from the box on the table and handed it to her. “Whenever you have the opportunity, it would be great if you could affix this to the back or front bumper of Doug Peterson’s truck. However, the chances of him noticing it are less likely if it’s in the front.”
“Is there an adhesive tape on it?” she asked as she took the camera from Rider.
He moved closer. “Yes. Just peel this off and stick it on. If the bumper is really dirty, it might be a problem, but do what you can. You’ll have to be fast since we don’t want him to catch you.”
“I’ll go out to lunch tomorrow with Jenna. She and I can stop by his car. We’ll make it work.”
Paris was quite adventuresome. “Sounds great,” Rider said. “Ready to meet the rest of the team?”
“You bet.”
Rider had been impressedwith the way Paris had answered Liam’s and Alex’s questions at dinner. He also appreciated that she’d been honest about why she suspected her company of wrong doing. Too bad, she didn’t have enough facts to prove anything.
However, Paris was able to discuss the layout of the building quite well, especially now that she’d been to Delancey’s office. Liam had asked if she could do a scale drawing of where the production and shipping areas were located as well as how many main offices there were. Paris said she’d try.
From what Rider had seen, most of the Harrison Industries' trucks were housed behind the building, but there were a few other vehicles without logos that appeared to be suspicious. It was possible they were used forspecialpurposes, but that was just a guess.
Before charging in, Rider and his team needed to know for sure if the manufacturing of the illegal substances was produced on the Harrison Industries’ property or in a different building all together.
To help with that, Grayson drove the four of them to the top of Miller’s Ridge under cover of nightfall. Up there, they would decide where to place the surveillance cameras. If a pattern of delivery became clear, it might help them figure things out.
Grayson had learned that about one-hundred feet surrounding the complex’s cement fence was owned my Harrison Industries. The rest was public land. Maybe that was why the guards had been deployed. Grayson had been trespassing.
His friend cut the engine, and Rider turned back to face his men. “Grayson and I need to grab our backpacks that we left when those guards chased us off. While we’re retrieving our gear, see if you can figure out where some good vantage points might be for the cameras.”
“Boss, we aren’t experts in surveillance,” Alex said.
“I know. Neither am I, but do your best. Grayson can help with the set up once we return.”