Page 66 of Craving Their Mate
If he was working for Delancey, the man was covering his tracks. “What kind of job did he have before that?”
“He served time until five years ago. Then he worked as a janitor at a Chesterfield hardware store. After that, nothing.”
“He’d be a good person to hire to work at a cocaine factory.”
“You might be right.” While the information was helpful, it didn’t prove anything conclusively. "Can you do some digging on a Douglas Peterson?" He explained who he was and how he appeared to have harassed Mrs. Gonzalez. "The men were too far away to hear the conversation."
"I'll see what I can find out," Mick said.
"Appreciate it."
“By the way, I spoke to my brother and Charley. We’d be happy to move into the motel for a few days should you need us. I think both of them are antsy to do something important. Taking down Delancey would be awesome.”
“I’ll take you up on your generous offer.” He gave Mick the information. “You can stay in room five.” It was Paris’ room, but he bet she would be happy to move in with them. He looked over at her and raised his brows for her agreement. Her smile once more did something to him. She then mouthedokay.
“Come next door to room six when you arrive,” Rider said.
“Will do.”
Rider disconnected and faced Grayson. “This might be a long shot, but do you think you could find a small infrared drone? I was about to look for one, but you’re more experienced than me.” He explained how the team had used one to take down Dr. Elkhart. “Connally, Mick’s brother, is well-versed in flying them. I believe he said he bought one in a nearby big town.”
“That would probably be Eastwick,” Paris said.
“I can take a look,” Grayson said. “What do you plan on checking out with this camera?”
“I want to fly it a few feet above the ground, near where you found the escape tunnel.”
“What are you hoping to see?” Grayson asked.
“Where the tunnel goes. I'd like to know if it heads toward the main plant or toward those exhaust pipes.”
Grayson saluted him. “I’ll be back when I can.” He turned to Paris. “Care to come with me and help me shop?”
She smiled. “I’d love to.”
She stepped over to Rider and kissed his cheek. “Be good.”
What did that mean? “Aren’t I always?”
“You wish,” she said with a smile.
As soon as those two were gone, Rider was able to focus. Paris had said that Doug worked today, but had tomorrow off. It was just a hunch, but if Doug was threatening the workers’ families on behalf of Harrison Industries, he would need to do so when the men were at work—which meant after eleven at night. Of course, he could have spied on the family to learn their habits.
Rider’s cell rang. It was the general. That was fast. “Yes, General.”
“I have the name of a local lab to do the testing, but that’s not the reason for the call.”
That sounded promising. “What did you find out?”
“I have a contact at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police near Ames. Apparently, a woman by the name of Maria Gonzalez came in to complain that a man from Harrison Industries was threatening her and her family. She was seeking a restraining order.”
"That's the woman Doug Peterson spoke with.” He'd mentioned that during their last call.
“What do you know about it?”
"Just that my men saw Doug Peterson go to the Gonzalez's house. They happened to be in their wolf form looking for some kind of second entrance into the Harrison complex when they spotted him. It seemed as if Doug was quite angry with her.”
“That’s what she claimed.”