Page 68 of Craving Their Mate
Rider had hoped Liam would offer. “Yes. I doubt anyone would harm her unless her husband decided not to show up to work or something.”
“Do you know which days he works?”
“Don’t worry. Alex and I will keep watch.”
“Let me know if you see anything.”
Liam chuckled. “Being in our wolf form makes phone calls hard.”
Funny. “You know what I mean.” He disconnected.
When Rider entered his hotel room, Grayson still wasn’t there. Either Eastwick was farther than he thought, or they decided to do some extra shopping while there.
While Rider waited for them to return, he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down as many facts as he could regarding what they knew, what they guessed might be true, and what was pure speculation. Next, he wrote down what they needed to do based on the different suppositions. He was pretty sure at this point that there was an underground facility. He could drop off another sample of the coffee at the police station, but even if they found evidence of the drug, they would need proof that it came from Harrison Industries. And that was something they didn’t have yet.
Even if Rider and his men showed the police the location of the possible underground tunnel, he wasn’t sure they could gain access—search warrant in hand or not. The Colters were animals of the cruelest nature. They probably had a system designed to kill any intruder on sight.
While Rider had no proof Richard Delancey was even a member of the Colter clan, he suspected he might be. For the moment, it would be best if his team did what they could to solve the case and leave the Mounted Police out of it—for their own safety, of course.
Paris and Grayson strode in a few minutes later, waving a bag. “Success,” Grayson said.
“Great. Let me see what you bought.”
Grayson unpacked the tiny drone. “No one will be able to see this if we fly it close to the ground.”
“Have you ever flown one?” Rider asked. Grayson had said he’d worked with the Fielding brothers.
“Connolly, his brother, and mate should be arriving shortly to help. I know he’s flown them.”
Grayson smiled. “I’m happy to turn over that job to him.”
“When they arrive, we’ll have to show him where this escape hatch—or whatever it is—is located. I hope Connolly can fly it from on top of the ridge.”
“Let’s leave that up to him.” Grayson turned to Paris. “Show Rider what you made me buy you.”
She scrunched up her face. “I didn’t make you buy it. You thought it was a good idea.”
“I did until you told me how you planned to use it.”
Rider held out his hand. “Show me.”
Paris walked over to him and stood there. “Do you see it?”
“See what?”
“My hidden camera.”
Was she pulling his leg? Or did she really have a camera planted on her. Rider leaned close, but her scent messed with his senses. If she just wanted him to touch her, he’d oblige. When he reached out, she moved back.
“Uh-uh. You don’t see it, do you?”
She seemed serious. “No.”
Paris pointed to one of the buttons. “Right here. The camera snaps over the button.”