Page 80 of Craving Their Mate
Paris dressed and went next door. She knocked, and Alex answered. “Here to watch what’s going on?”
“Good. Come in.”
The slight smile on his face implied he knew what had transpired in their room right before her men headed out. “Is the drone up and running yet?”
“Connolly just sent it up.”
Since there was an extra chair, he motioned she take a seat. The infrared image was hard to decipher, though. “Are those cars?”
“They are. Connolly is flying the drone back over the land. Hopefully, he can tell how far back thisgarageextends.”
“Considering the main parking lot is huge, I’m guessing what these men are doing is quite illegal,” she said.
“That would be our guess, but it’s not something we can use in a court of law.”
She leaned closer. “Are those flashlights?”
“Yes. Someone might have spotted the drone.”
Instead of turning the drone around, Connolly sent it closer to the Harrison Industries wall. “What is he doing?”
“Being smart, I think. If he flew the drone back to himself, whoever had spotted the drone, would know who was operating it.”
“Good thinking.” Just then the drone crashed. “Damn.”
“It’s better than being discovered. We have the footage, and that was what everyone wanted.”
She pushed back her chair. “Thanks for letting me watch.”
“Stay. They’ll be back soon.”
She appreciated that Liam was being so nice. It wasn’t as if she could sleep anyway.
Fifteen minutes later, all five of them piled into the room. Rider looked over at her. “You saw it crash?”
“Yes, but it looks like you have some good intel.”
Connolly nodded. “Losing the drone pisses me off, but someone was coming. We had to shift and hightail it out of there.”
“Who was there? Security guards from Hollow Woods Resort or from Harrison Industries?” she asked.
Connolly shrugged. “We didn’t wait around to be introduced.” He walked over to Liam and Alex. “How did it look?”
“I have it cued up to play,” Liam said.
Since Paris had seen the footage, she stood and motioned for Charley to take her seat. She shook her head and nudged Connolly front and center. After all, he’d been the one to fly it.
They all watched the cars move into this tunnel, but that was all it showed.
“Where did they all go?” Paris asked.
“We don’t know,” Connolly answered. “It appears the architect was smart enough to put a protective shield over the structure but not around the tunnel, which makes no sense.”
The cars never stopped. They just disappeared. “So now what?” she asked.
Grayson stepped over to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Why don’t you go back to the room? We might be here a while. We need to figure out our next move.”