Page 94 of Craving Their Mate
Rider flashed him a smile. “I like the way you think.” He studied the house. The only lights that were on were the ones downstairs. “If Paris is able to come to the window, be prepared to charge in. I don’t want her to be anywhere near these men for longer than necessary.”
They all nodded their assent.
Nate, Jay, and Harmon took off for their position, while Trax, Dante, and Grayson stayed put—for now.
Rider trotted off in the direction of the house, running from tree to tree, and then stopping from time to time to make certain he hadn’t attracted attention. When no one in the house seemed to have noticed, he picked up a small stone.
Something didn’t feel right though. Why would Delancey keep a hostage and not have a guard on patrol outside? Was he careless or just that confident that no one would find him?
Rider waited until the other three men were in position. As he neared the window, a yelp sounded from the behind the house.Shit. Even though he wanted to get Paris’ attention, he would be better off helping Jay first.
Rider shifted into his wolf form and raced toward the back. Unfortunately, he didn’t know who was who. One wolf had the upper hand, and the other was already almost dead.
“Thanks for the help, but I’m good,”Jay telepathed. The wolf looked up and showed his bloody teeth.
Rider could telepath with the wolves he knew well, but he was slightly surprised when Jay’s thoughts reached him.“Good job. Stay put unless I call.”
“You got it.”
He had to assume that the guard wasn’t one of the three men inside. Hopefully, there were no more outside guards, but he wouldn’t be surprised if there were.
He trotted to underneath the window and shifted back. Not wanting to waste too much time, he grabbed a pebble and tossed it at the window.
Then Rider waited. The room light didn’t turn on, nor did anyone come to the window. Using another stone, he tossed it at the window. This time, it made quite a lot of noise.Crap.
When there was no response, he raced back to where the others were waiting. “Ready to storm in there?”
“Let’s go save our woman,” Grayson said.
“How about if you go in through the back? Tell Jay to stay outside in case someone runs,” Rider said.
“Sure,” Grayson said.
Rider turned to Trax and Dante. “Ready to take them down?”
“No limits?” Dante asked.
He tried to think what the general would want—and what Paris would want. “If you can take Delancey alive, do it. We want justice for him. Death is too easy.”
Since they needed to break down the front door, they had to stay in their human form. When they neared the front, he motioned for Nate and Harmon to move closer. No telling if the guards would shoot first and ask questions later.
As quietly as possible, they climbed the steps to the front porch. On the top one, the board creaked.Shit.
Footsteps sounded inside. They’d been detected. There was no use being quiet at this point. Rider motioned they charge. He and Dante rushed the door, but just as their shoulders touched, it opened.
“What the fuck?” The guard stumbled backward but managed to recover quickly.
A second guard got off a shot that went through the door but missed both Rider and Dante. Nate ran in and took several shots, hitting one of the guards in the leg.
Time to shift. Rider transformed and leapt toward the one who’d opened the door. While the two guards in the room were shifters, he was surprised they’d rather keep their weapons instead of fighting wolf to wolf.
The man Rider went after, stumbled, and his gun skidded across the floor. Dante was on the guard who’d gotten off the shot. In the few seconds it took Dante to shift, the guard took aim, but Nate took him out first. The shot wasn’t fatal. Before the guard could recover, however, Dante made sure the man wouldn’t be walking around any time soon.
The man Rider had attacked shifted, but instead of him charging, he ran.
“Guard coming your way,”he telepathed to Grayson.