Page 13 of Meant for Them
“Real ones? What would those be?”
“How did you react when you saw Preston again?”
Ariel debated how much to tell her. “He was on the weight bench, lifting some absurd amount of weight.”
“He seemed to have this sixth sense that I was there. Preston racked his weight, sat up, and looked straight at me.”
Beth rubbed her hands together. “This is good.”
“Why is it good?” Her friend wasn’t making any sense. “I thought it was kind of creepy.” And sexy and highly stimulating, but she wouldn’t say that out loud.
“He probably heard your voice and wondered who you were.”
“He might have heard my voice, but he knew my name. Anyway, I asked if I could speak with him in private, so we went into his office.”
“Oooh. His office. That means he wanted to be alone with you.”
“Hardly. Remember, I asked him,” Ariel said.
“He didn’t have to agree, you know.” Beth grinned. “What was he wearing?”
Beth asked the strangest questions, but the only way to stop this nonsense was to give her the facts and only the facts. “A black tank top and black shorts. Before you ask, his body was glistening with sweat that enhanced his muscles.”
Beth sighed. The waitress came over with their wine. “Have you decided?”
Ariel didn’t really care what she ate. After a quick glance at the menu, she ordered a small steak with a side of grilled vegetables and a baked potato. Beth said she’d stick to her wine.
Beth leaned forward on her elbows. “So how was he when he answered your questions? Was he direct or evasive?”
Ariel tried to remember everything he’d said. “I’d have to say he seemed honest.”
“That’s good. Did he act interested in you?”
That made Ariel laugh. “No. It was almost closing time, and I sensed he just wanted me to ask my questions and leave.”
“Too bad. He’d be a catch.”
“I’m not interested.” She reminded Beth that both Trent and Sherry thought Preston might have been the one to stab Sam.
“That’s just a rumor. There’s no proof. He didn’t even go inside the house that night.”
“That we know of. He could have used the wallet as an excuse to drive there. His car probably has a GPS tracking device in it. He could have then walked around to the back, crawled in a window, and stabbed her.”
“From what I heard, he went there around nine. Your brother didn’t come home for three more hours.”
“Okay, so maybe he snuck in at nine and hid in the closet until they came home and fell asleep,” Ariel said.
“You’re being silly. Ten bucks says the cops checked all doors and windows for fingerprints. I heard no mention that they’d found any,” Beth reasoned back.
“Preston could have worn gloves.”
“Anything is possible, but that scenario is not very probable.”
There was no use arguing with Beth. “I should go to the courthouse and ask for the transcript of the trial so I can know what was said and done.”
“Assuming they’re ready. If they aren’t, talk to the sheriff. He might be able to hurry the court stenographer along.”