Page 25 of Meant for Them
Exhausted, Ariel dropped down on Trent’s sofa. “How can someone have so much stuff?” she asked Beth.
“We all have too much stuff, but the real question is what are you going to do with all these boxes?” Beth asked.
“I’ll stack in my bedroom until I give up looking for the real killer—or until I am convinced Trent murdered Samantha.”
Beth nodded. “I say we call it quits for today and grab something to eat.”
Ariel looked up at her friend. It wasn’t fair to make her give up a perfectly good Saturday handling Trent’s things. She’d already donated hours of her time.
“I like that idea of food,” Ariel said.
“Better yet, we should just go over to your place and order pizza. That way we can run down names of who might have killed Sam. I know we don’t know the people who Trent owed money to, but we can call himdrug guyorgambler guy.”
“Sounds perfect.”
“While we’re at it, we have to decide what you’re going to do about the men,” Beth said.
“What do you mean? They’re helping me. That’s all.”
Beth slapped a hand over her face. “Are you blind?”
Now her friend was almost insulting. “What does that mean?”
“Why would a very busy lawyer take the time to search for a killer when he just convicted someone?”
That had bothered her. “He’s a nice guy?”
“Seriously? How about on the way home, I pick up a bottle of wine. I think it’s going to be a very long night.”
Beth didn’t have to do that. Ariel took out her credit card and handed it to her. “I insist on paying for it. I’ll stop at the pizza place and pick up a pie. The usual?”
After Ariel grabbed one of Trent’s many boxes, she carried it to her car. The pizza place was slightly out of the way, but if Beth arrived at the apartment before her, her friend hopefully wouldn’t mind waiting.
Good thing it was still early, because the order didn’t take long to prepare. When Ariel pulled in front of her apartment, she was a bit surprised that Beth hadn’t shown up yet. Just as well, she supposed.
No sooner had Ariel carried in Trent’s box and the pizza box than a knock sounded on her door.
Ariel set the boxes on the floor and answered it. Beth waved the wine. “Let the party begin.”
“It’s not a party. I need to organize my thoughts.” Ariel picked up the pizza box and placed it on the kitchen table, leaving the box of Trent’s stuff where it was.
Beth put the bottle of wine on the table and located the wine opener. She poured them a glass and then opened the delicious smelling veggie pizza.
Ariel was on her second piece when her cell pinged, indicating she had a text.
“Go ahead and check it,” Beth urged. “I bet it’s one of the men. Maybe they found out something.”
Ariel retrieved her phone from her purse. No caller ID appeared. She clicked on it anyway and froze.
Ariel had no idea how long she’d been staring, but Beth had to tap the table to get her attention. “What happened?”
She wished she knew. “I..I..don’t know how this is possible.”
“Tell me.” Beth led her to the living room so they'd both be more comfortable.
Once Ariel dropped down onto the sofa, she studied the photos again. “Someone sent three pictures of me.”