Page 27 of Meant for Them
Ariel downedher third slice of pizza, which helped her to think more logically. “In my heart, I know both Benson and Preston are innocent.”
“I agree, which is why you need to call them,” Beth repeated.
“Suppose I tell them about the photos. What are they going to do?”
“Hello! They’ll figure something out. This person knows where you live! You can’t stay here.”
“Go ahead and call them. They’re smart. Hell, Benson might have dealt with stalkers before. He is a prosecuting attorney.”
“You’re right, but I don’t want to put anyone else in danger. Since one of the pictures includes Benson, he might be a target too.” And Beth was at both Trent’s house as well as here, which put her in danger also.Damn.
“Then he needs to know! Stop stalling and call them."
Beth wasn’t going to let it go. “Fine.”
While she had both of their numbers, Ariel decided to call Benson. He’d understand what, if anything, could be done about this crime.
It rang only twice before he picked up. “Ariel?”
He sounded worried. Why? “Yes. I…” She wasn’t sure what to say. Before she could explain anything, Beth took the phone from her and placed it on speaker.
“This is Beth. Some asshole just emailed Ariel three pictures.” She explained what they were of.
“Fuck. Are you sure they were taken today?”
“Yes, Ariel has on the same outfit. She was carrying a box of her brother’s possessions with a pizza box on top that she picked up for our dinner.”
“We'll be right over.”
Ariel didn’t want to bother them. “Is that wise, Benson? Who’s to say they aren’t watching now?”
“All the more reason for Preston and me to come over. What’s your address?”
She told him and then gave him directions. He hung up before she could even say thank you.
“You should go pack,” Beth said.
“For what?”
“Well, you sure as hell aren’t staying here tonight. This person knows where you live. Knowing the type of men they are, Benson and Preston will suggest you stay with them.”
A kaleidoscope of images flashed before her— all inappropriate. This whole situation was so unfair. “What’s to say the person won’t follow me to their place?”
“If they do, at least you’ll have two hunky men to protect you.”
“Benson did say he was good with a gun since he grew up on a ranch.”
Beth smiled. “There you go. And make sure to throw in some sexy underwear.”
“I’m not having sex with them. This is about staying safe.”
Her friend shook her head, clearly not believing Ariel could be in such denial. “You can have both. Look, I understand you want to be cautious about them, but trust me, you can’t go wrong with either man.” She picked up her glass of wine. “All I’m saying is to let your heart motivate you, not your highly cynical scientific brain.”
Ariel needed to focus on her brother. “I’m not promising anything.”
She finished off her wine. Since Ariel didn’t want it to look as if she expected the men to ask her to stay with them, Ariel refused to pack until they offered her a place to stay—assuming they did.