Page 34 of Meant for Them
Ariel stilled, forcing Benson to break the kiss. He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “Only if you want to though. Just so you know, Preston and I want you. A lot. But if you need more time, just tell us.”
From the way his jaw clenched, it might kill him if she said no. Ariel wouldn’t, though, because she wanted them just as much.
It might have been a result of visiting the prison or seeing those photos, but right now Ariel’s only safe haven was with these men. She flipped around to face Preston. “You can take off my pajamas if I can take off yours.”
That was so unlike her, yet somehow, these men brought out her inner sexual goddess.
His grin spread across his face. “Blondie, you won’t regret that deal.”
She cocked a brow. “You make it sound as if you have something dangerous in mind.” At least she hoped he did.
He tapped her nose. “If I can control myself long enough, what I do will definitely be dangerous to your heart.”
She laughed. “Let the games begin.”
“I love your attitude.” He kissed her quick.
Preston slipped off her pajama bottoms while Benson helped her sit up so he could take off her top. Because Ariel was a little self-conscious about her small size, she crossed her arms over her chest, even though in the dim light she wasn’t sure how much they could really see.
“Don’t do that, sweetheart,” Preston said. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”
She was hardly that, but if Preston believed it, that worked for her. Enough with the flirting. She needed to kiss him. After all, she wanted to treat both men equally.
When she pressed her lips against Preston’s, she expected to feel the same as when she’d made out with Benson, but Preston was more playful. He nipped her top lip and then pulled down her bottom one. While he was distracting her, he cupped her breast, causing sparks of desire to shoot straight between her legs. That one action forced her to hold her breath for a moment. Ariel had never been this excited after just a few touches.
Because she hadn’t helped the men out of their clothes yet, she grabbed Preston’s cock through the thin material.
He broke the kiss, placed his hand over hers, and inhaled. “Whoa.”
“Is there a problem?” She hoped she hadn’t broken some unwritten rule.
“No. None at all.” He closed his eyes for a moment and let out a long, audible breath.
Ariel found it hard to believe that she’d have such an effect on these men. No one had ever reacted so intensely before, but now wasn’t the time to question them. She had something she wanted to do first. “I believe I requested the chance to take off your clothes since I’m now naked.”
Benson, who was behind her, nipped her earlobe and then leaned in. “I’m way ahead of you, darling.”
Without giving it a second thought, she reached behind her to grab his dick, believing she’d be met with cotton. But no. She touched his thicknakedcock. Oh, my. Ariel was so out of her league. While she hadn’t slept with a ton of men, none of the ones she’d been with were anywhere near this size. And there were two such men in her bed.
She looked over her shoulder. “I’m grateful that you are so forward thinking.”
“I am that. I hope you are ready for two men,” Benson said. “Have you done anything like this before?”
Answering in the affirmative might give them the impression she was a pro at taking two cocks simultaneously. Honesty, however, was always the best. “Once.”
He leaned over again, his breath kissing her cheek. “We’ll take it slow.”
“Speak for yourself, Granger,” Preston said. “I’m dying here.”
As if he meant it, he gently lifted her hand off his crotch. Ariel looked back over at Preston and touched his cheek. “I promise I’ll take it easy on you.”
She was only trying to repeat what Benson said to her. Never did she expect Preston to crack up.
“Easy is the last thing I need, Blondie.” As if to prove it to her, he lost his pajamas in a second. “You have no idea how ready I am for you.”
It was too dark to really see his face clearly, but she swore his eyes glowed once more. “I’m happy to hear that.”
Ariel decided it was better to let the men take control. After all, they were the experts. As if she’d waved the green flag to start a race, Preston scrambled to the end of the bed and pulled open her legs, while Benson stretched out on his stomach at her shoulder and gently guided her face toward his.