Page 38 of Meant for Them
“Tell me about it. When Ariel ran her hand down my chest, I’d sprouted almost as much hair as when I’m about to shift.”
Preston shook his head. “It’s not like we can tell her yet. Remember General Armand’s advice?”
Unfortunately, Benson remembered it all too well. “Ariel needs to fall in love with us first before we tell her.”
Preston stilled. “She’s up.”
That meant discussing how they were going to break it to her that they were werewolves would need to take place later or telepathically.“Did you sense Ariel could tell we were communicating last night in bed?”Benson telepathed.
“I hope not. It’s hard enough to dismiss our golden eyes or the scruff on my face, let alone the fact that we use telepathy.”
Benson huffed out a laugh.“You have that right.”
“I’m going to the gym to work out. If I’m here when she comes out, no telling what my body will do.”
“I hear you.”
Preston was already dressed in his workout clothes. With his duffle that contained a change of clothes in hand, he left. While Benson waited for Ariel to come out of the bedroom, he thought he’d start breakfast. Most likely she’d be hungry. Even if she wasn’t, he wanted to show her how special she was to them. It went without saying that after last night, he was starving too.
Pancakes or scrambled eggs?When he looked in the cabinet for the ingredients, his decision was made for him. Eggs it was. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d been to the store. Clearly, he was working too much.
Just as he pulled out the frying pan, Ariel came out wearing some kind of athletic wear. “Good morning, sunshine,” he said.
She smiled and then yawned. “Good morning.” She looked around. “Where’s Preston?”
“He’s at the gym. He’ll get in a two-hour workout and then come home. Why?”
She shrugged. “Just asking.”
“I’m making breakfast. Do you want to join me?”
Ariel hissed in a breath. “Could I go for a short run, shower, and then eat? If I run on a full stomach, I might barf.”
“Certainly. I can wait.” He turned off the burner. “How long will you be gone?”
“Maximum thirty minutes. I’ll only go about three miles.”
He didn’t like the idea that she’d be out there alone, but since his housing complex bordered his family’s ranch, she’d be safe. There was nothing but open plains and trees along the road.
“I suggest you head west and run on the side of the road especially if you plan to listen to music. Crazy people like to race cars around here, though at nine in the morning, you’re probably safe.”
“I’ll be careful. Hopefully, no one knows I’m even here.”
“Take your phone in case you spot someone creepy and want me to pick you up.”
“Not to worry. I need my phone to listen to my music.”
As much as Benson wanted to forbid her to leave the house, he wouldn’t. Appearing unreasonable wouldn’t endear them to her. “Have fun then.”
Ariel stepped up to him and kissed him quickly. Had she lingered any more, no telling what his inner wolf would have encouraged him to do.
“How do I get back in?”
“Ring the bell.”
She shot him the bird, smiled, and left. Once she was gone, Benson locked the door and then planted his back against it. He let out a long exhale, uncertain how long he could last being around the woman who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.