Page 63 of Meant for Them
Both men must have sensed she was about to come, because Benson withdrew his cock just as Preston released his seed. A second later, her own tidal wave of need swamped her. Her vision blurred, forcing her to shut her eyes in order to regroup.
Her chest heaved, and she gulped in much needed air as her orgasm ebbed. “That was intense.”
“It was more than merely intense for me,” Preston said. “It was amazing, wonderful, sensational.”
Ariel cracked open an eye. “Let’s not get carried away.”
Preston grinned and then winked. “We need to clean you up.”
It was Preston this time who went to get a different towel. By the time he finished making sure she was clean, Ariel couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. Every muscle had relaxed to the point where she couldn’t move even if she wanted to.
* * *
“It’s time to get up.”
What was Benson talking about? She’d just closed her eyes. “Huh?”
“Ariel, you don’t want to be late to work, do you?”
His words finally registered. When she opened her eyes, a quick shot of panic entered at seeing the light stream in around the curtains’ edges. “What time is it?”
“Seven thirty.”
Using all of her energy, she sat up. “I didn’t budge all night.”
Benson smiled. “No, you didn’t. We wore you out.”
She looked around. “Where’s Preston?”
“He went to work. Once he’s certain that Rob is okay to cover the front desk, he’ll be back.”
Without wasting any more time, Ariel eased out of bed. “If Liam and Alex come before I’m ready, tell them I’m hurrying.”
“I’m sure they’ll understand.”
Ariel rushed into the bathroom and turned on the water in the shower. Today would hopefully be less eventful.
Ariel had just finished puttingon her uniform when Benson told her that Liam and Alex were in the living room.
She grabbed her purse and followed Benson out to meet them. Both men were practically standing at attention, which might cause some people to stare. Since they were doing her a favor, she wasn’t about to mention it.
She turned to Benson. “Are you going to see Trent today?”
“I am.” He looked up at the men. “If you spot anyone suspicious, call Preston.”
Both men nodded. “I think we can handle whatever comes our way.”
Benson leaned over and kissed her quick. “Have fun today and do what these men tell you.”
“Don’t worry. Nothing is going to happen to me.” Or were those famous last words?
Since she didn’t want to be late, she followed Liam and Alex out to their car.