Page 78 of Meant for Them
“I see we need to call it a day,” Liam said. “Clean up and heal while Alex and I head over to the clinic to make sure Hammer, or any other werewolf, doesn’t come sniffing around Ariel.”
“I appreciate it. I don’t imagine Hammer or any of Franklin’s men will wait long to enact revenge. If Hammer was asked by Franklin to take Anna, once the cartel learns Hammer failed, the shit will hit the proverbial fan.”
“We’ll be ready when he comes.”
These two were the best. Benson felt as if he’d been tossed around like a rag doll for hours. His body hurt, which he could deal with, but it was the scrapes and bite marks that might be hard to explain should Ariel return home before six.
On the way back to the house, he called Preston. Benson wasn’t sure if Uncle Adam had contacted him yet.
“How did the training go?”
“They double-teamed me. I’ve improved, but I wouldn’t bet my life that I could survive two against one in a real fight.”
“I felt the same way. Are you healing now?”
Benson pulled into the driveway. “I’m about to take care of that, but I called to let you know that my uncle, the deputy, and two of my cousins found Anna. She’s okay.”
“Thank goodness. Where was she?”
Benson told him as much as he knew. “Liam and Alex are on the way to town to make sure they don’t go after Ariel.”
“Don’t worry. She’ll be safe with Liam and Alex watching. I called in part because I need another few hours for all the bite marks to disappear.”
“Understood. I’m picking her up at six, but I might join the men a little early. I’ll go inside while they wait outside. One can never be too careful.”
“Amen to that. See you soon.”
* * *
Once Preston told Ariel what happened, she was happy that Anna was safe and sound—that was until he reminded her that this ordeal was far from over.
“What do you think will happen?” She could guess, but she wanted to hear Preston’s opinion.
“We’re expecting Paul Franklin to want some kind of retaliation. Fortunately, the sheriff over in Midvale has the guard who was watching over Anna in custody. Since Franklin won't be able to speak with the guard, I imagine he'll assume that Sheriff Hanson, and not Benson’s uncle and cousins, were responsible for freeing Anna.”
“Benson’s uncle and deputy were in plain clothes, I take it?” she asked.
“I don’t know for sure, but I suspect they were.”
Preston pulled into the driveway and told her to stay seated while he checked out the area. All of this precaution was kind of freaking her out. First it was a stalker—who may or may not have been Hammer Schmidt—and now Benson claimed this Paul Franklin guy would want to take out his anger on her? Why? She hadn’t been the one to find and free Anna.
Preston opened her car door and escorted her to the house. It was only when he closed the door behind her that she relaxed.
Benson came out of the bedroom looking tired. “Have a tough day?” she asked.
“You could say that. Training is hard work, but it will be worth it if Franklin’s men decide to pay us a visit.”
“Are you going to carry a gun with you from now on?”
“I suppose I could, but you should know that I’ve never shot a person.”
That didn’t instill confidence in her, but he did say he was good at killing coyotes and such. “Why would they come after me, though? Or you two for that matter?”
Preston motioned she have a seat.
“Left over spaghetti and meatballs okay?” Benson asked.