Page 80 of Meant for Them
She stood and went into the bedroom. Not that she had a problem with them hearing the conversation, but knowing Beth, she’d ask how things were going between the three of them. Stating that she was falling under their spell wasn’t something Ariel wanted to say with them present.
She called her good friend. “Hey, what’s up?”
Ariel had just said goodbye to Beth at work. “I can’t go into detail, but the men think I might be in danger tomorrow or the next day if I’m at work. Can you let Dr. Fredericks and his wife know that I’m not coming in tomorrow? I’d call them, but I don’t want to bother them.”
“Sure. I’ll call Chris. He’s not scheduled to work, but I bet he’d cover for you.”
“I can call him.”
“Don’t even think about it. You have enough to deal with.”
“Then thank you.’
“I should have asked. Are you okay staying with Benson and Preston? You sound worried.”
That wasn’t what bothered her. “The men are amazing. That is the one good thing to come out of this mess. The current problem stems from the fact we’re quite certain that Trent didn’t kill Samantha. We have a theory who might have done it, and that person might still target me or one of the men.”
“That sucks. I’m sorry this is happening, but don’t worry about a thing. I’m sure our bosses would tell you to take as much time as you need.”
She didn’t want to be away from the clinic for too long. If the men were going to spend their day training, she’d be stuck in the house by herself. “Maybe after work tomorrow, if you’re free, you could stop by and keep me company.”
“Won’t the men be there?”
“I don’t know. Even if they are, I could use some girl time.”
“You got it.”
“Chances areyou two will be together when—or rather, if—Paul Franklin’s men find you,” Liam instructed Benson and Preston.
“Benson and I can handle two shifters,” Preston said.
“Two, yes, but what if there are more?” Lian held up a hand. “Let’s start with something easy. Suppose one wolf attacks both of you. What do you do?”
“You want to answer this?”Preston telepathed.
“One of us would take the head and the other the rear. I don’t think a wolf could handle us both,” Benson responded.
“Very good. Now let’s say two wolves attack one of you. Then what?” Liam asked.
Benson shrugged. “I’d telepath for Preston to help if he’s free.”
“The problem is do we know for sure that they can’t hear your thoughts?”
Preston had always wondered if anyone else had heard his thoughts. He certainly had never heard ones that weren't directed at him. “I can't be sure.”
“I can telepath with all of my male relatives as well as people close to me—like Preston and now you two. I don’t know any of Franklin’s clan members, so I should be able to shield my thoughts,” Benson said.
Alex stepped next to Liam. “Unfortunately, I’ve met some shifters who had the ability to understand my telepathic messages. Trust me, it was highly unnerving. All Liam is saying is to be careful. Don’t assume anything.”
“If you think telepathing could be dangerous, what do you suggest?” Preston asked.
“Paw signals. They’re like hand signals, only you lift your leg and point to indicate if you need someone to take up the rear or the front.”
“We can do that,” Preston said.
“Let’s get back to what happens if two wolves attack you, and no one is around to help. What would you do?” Liam glanced between both men.