Page 95 of Meant for Them
That was nice of him to say. “I still have questions, but I’m sure Benson and Preston will provide me with anything I need to know.”
“I’m sure they will. What can I get you three?”
She liked the sound ofyou three. Ariel didn’t need to look at a menu. “A Cobb Salad.”
“A cheeseburger with fries. Medium rare.” Benson said.
"Make that two."
“Coming right up.”
As soon as Will went back to the bar, Preston faced her. “What made you change your mind, if I may ask?”
“I’m not sure. I thought about what my life would be like if I never saw you two again, and I didn’t like what I saw.”
They both smiled. Benson was next to her and clasped her hand. “You have no idea what we’ve been through in the last twenty-four hours. It was torture.”
“It was worse for me,” Preston said. “Benson blamed me for passing out and shifting on you. Just so you know, I didn’t do it on purpose. I meant to reach the bedroom before I shifted. I could tell my body needed to heal.”
She looked at Benson. “You really blamed him? He passed out.”
He squeezed her hand and let go. “I lashed out at him, because I was upset. You are the most important person in our lives. We love you. Losing you would be losing a part of our soul.”
She studied his eyes to see if he was telling her the truth, but maybe werewolves were different from ordinary humans. “I’m sorry I freaked.”
“No. We should have told you sooner, but we were waiting for the right time.”
“I get it. How about we forget it ever happened?” she asked.
Benson smiled. “We’d love nothing better.”
“You’ll move back in with us then?” Preston asked. “Permanently?”
What did that mean? “How about we take it month by month?”
Preston laughed. “You will always keep us on our toes, won’t you?”
That sounded like a compliment. “Absolutely. I have a slight problem, though. My lease isn’t up for another three months.”
“We have a solution for that,” Benson said.
She didn’t want Benson to say he’d pay for it. While his family was well-off, his salary probably wasn’t that great. “What would that be?”
“Liam and Alex are at the Wintergreen hotel, which is not cheap. How about they stay at your place until my cousin finds them a more permanent home? They would pay the rent and utilities.”
“There’s only one bedroom. They’d never fit.”
“You have a pull-out sofa. How about I ask them at least?”
Ariel appreciated that Benson wanted to find a win-win solution. “Sounds good to me.”
Their meal arrived, and they mostly ate in silence. She bet the men were in a hurry to get back to their house. She had the sense that after they had their little talk that an amazing round of lovemaking would ensue—at least she hoped that would be the case.
Finally, the meal was over. “Even though it will delay us a bit, do you think we can swing by Beth’s for my suitcase? While I don’t mind sleeping naked, I’d like to have my toiletries and a change of clothes for tomorrow.”
“Not a problem.” Benson waved for the check.
“I hope you’ll be naked long before you go to sleep though,” Preston said and then winked.