Page 12 of Naga Say Never
Jake groaned and tackled me into the bed again, his mouth hot and desperate on mine.
Wakingthe next morning with my tail curled around Irina while she spooned against me was easily the most blissful thing I had ever woken to. This was how I wanted to wake up every morning.
My arms tightened around her as I pulled her closer, never wanting to let her go. My nose pressed against her head as I inhaled deeply, letting my eyes close as I savored everything about this. I’d never imagined my life could be like this—not for a monster like me.
After the portion transformed me, I resigned myself to living a life of loneliness, holed up in my house until one day, inevitably, I would die. Nobody wanted to be with a monster, or at least so I had thought until I met Irina. Now, here she was, the most perfect and beautiful creature, curled in my arms, sleeping soundly and contently like she had no worries over the fact that a monster spooned her.
I could stay this way forever and die a happy monster—no, a happy man because Irina finally made me realize that, even though I had a snake tail for legs, I was still a man. I could still love, protect, and fulfill her in all the ways she needed. She’d restored my humanity, something I thought I’d lost when I drank that damn punch.
She stirred in my arms with a soft yawn, stretching herself out as sleep was pulled from her. The duvet moved off her body, revealing her perky breasts. Instinctively, I leaned in, wrapping my lips around one tight, pink nipple, and sucked softly as she moaned in appreciation, sliding her fingers into my long hair.
Testing the waters, I brought my fangs out, nipping at the pebbled flesh enough to release a little bit of venom into her bloodstream. I didn’t want to hurt her, but it would give her a high she might need for the ache after our fuck fest last night.
“Oh, that’s so good,” she moaned, scratching her nails against my scalp. She arched her back as the venom seeped through her veins.
“What’s it like?” I asked as her eyes flipped to mine.
“It’s like floating on a cloud, but also the way you’d feel lounging on the beach on a hot summer day. Just when you think you might be too warm, a rush of cool goes through you and makes you tingle. It’s delicious.” She grinned and leaned up, pressing her lips to mine. “Kinda like you.”
She slid her hands under the sheets, teasing the flesh of my tail. “What are your plans for today?” she asked as she ran a finger along the slit, encouraging it to open for her.
I groaned, my mind blanking with desire as she touched me. Talking about my day was the last thing I wanted to do. Unless my day consisted of being inside her, filling her repeatedly with my cum.
“At some point, I should probably do some work.” I managed to groan as her fingers wrapped around my erection.
“You have a job?” she asked, looking surprised.
I nodded. “Quite a successful one. I got into technology right out of university. Now our home security systems are all over the country, and I make a lot of money running my business.”
She stroked me lazily as she spoke, “And you never go into the office?”
I shook my head again. “No, I told everybody I had a bad accident and was recuperating at first. Eventually, they believed I was one of those paranoid recluses who preferred staying home to going out in public. If they questioned it, they never did it to my face. My brother, who’s still fully human, is the face of the business. Though, he says the time is coming when the board isn’t going to be as understanding of me being at home.”
“Even though most things are going remote?” she asked, tightening her hold on my cock, giving it small, pulsing little squeezes.
“They think my inability to go into the office makes me a bad leader. I should be more front-facing, the way my brother is. He said they were beginning to feel a hermit CEO reflects badly on the business because supposedly it appears I can’t trust our home security to do its job when I’m not here.”
She laughed. “Well, in a way, they’re right. Ididbreak into your house and start squatting.”
I laughed too. “Only because I turned the power off and let you in.”
She looked surprised. “You knew I was trying to get in?”
Nodding, I smiled. “I have enhanced hearing, so I knew immediately somebody was trying to break in. And then I saw you—”
“—And then you saw me and decided I would be yours no matter what?” She lifted an eyebrow questioningly.
I smirked at her.“Exactly. You’re mine now. There’s no going back.” I reached out and wrapped a hand around her waist, holding her tightly under me. There was a soft flicker of something on her face, but as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. “So, what are you going to do today?” I pressed on. She shrugged, so I continued. “Why don’t we look into doing some of those renovations you were talking about? I have the money and the means. You pick the designs and find someone to do them, and I’ll arrange for everything to happen. You won’t have to lift a finger, but you'll have your dream house at the end of the renos.”
I stared at her, and her features were still twisted with something I couldn’t quite place. “That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
She nodded slowly, like she was thinking. “I don’t know how long I’m staying,” she finally said, pulling her hand away from my cock. Not that she needed to. Those seven words were enough to deflate me.
“You don’t know if you’re staying?” I asked in disbelief.
She shrugged. “Chicago’s my home. I mean, I’m mad at my sister for what she did, but I planned to get away from the nuns, figure something out, and then speak to her. I need her to know that I'm not concerned despite what she thinks will happen with the demons there. I trust her, and I trust Satan—surprisingly—to keep me safe. If it comes down to it, he knows how much I mean to my sister. It’s in her nature to protect me. That’s all she was doing.”