Page 5 of Naga Say Never
She walked right by the ogre and didn’t recoil in fear or turn up her nose at the smell. She asked the green witch for directions to a home goods store and never blinked an eye at the sour hue of her skin.
So, either she was already familiar with monsters or completely unflappable.
Through the home decor store window, she bought new bedding, throw pillows, a candle, and a purse. Everywhere she went that afternoon, I traced her every step and got to know her through her interactions with the other people in my town and what she chose.
Another human approached her when she stopped for a late-afternoon lunch at a bistro. He wasn’t a server, he lacked the black apron the rest wore. But he did go over to her table, smiling and flirting with her like he had any right. My blood boiled. She was mine, couldn’t he tell? I was inside her already, and soon, I’d be inside her physically.
How dare he look at what was mine.
A low hissing noise slid between my lips as he gave her a business card, no doubt telling her to call him. But she didn’t have a cell phone, and she needed one. My eyes jumped to the shop that sold them. She didn’t need them; she didn’t need anyone else but me … didn’t she realize that?
He walked away, and I followed, knowing she was safe at her table, still eating her sandwich. I followed as the man walked between two buildings to cut to the parking lot when my tail lashed out and wrapped around his ankle. With a quick whip, I yanked him off his feet and watched with pleasure as he smashed his forehead on the pavement.
I slithered closer, pressing my hand into his back. “Leave her alone. If I ever see you near her again, it won’t be a bump on the head I give you,” I hissed, flicking my forked tongue against his ear lobe before pulling away. I was gone before he was back on his feet, returning to the shadows as Irina finished her lunch and made her way back down the street.
I expected her to go to the phone store but found myself pleasantly surprised when she didn’t, crumpling the business card and tossing it in the garbage as she passed.
“That’s my girl,” I whispered on the wind, hoping it carried the praise to her ear.
By the time she made it back to the house, overloaded with bags, I wanted to bring myself out of the shadows and offer to help, but how would I explain why I was going to the same house as her?
As she made her way back inside, I circled to the back to let myself in and followed her slowly while she put everything away. She surprised me further when she made her way back to the west wing, stopping at my portrait once more as she pushed onto her toes, struggling to get the massive picture off the nail.
She fiddled with the frame for a long moment before finally getting it away and carrying it into her room. She propped me on the dresser so it watched her on the bed.With her back to my painted eyes, she told me about her day and plans. She remade the bed with the new bedding before stripping out of the dress I picked for her and switching into a shorts and tank-top set she’d bought. My eyes devoured every piece of skin she offered me and every smile she tossed at my portrait before carrying on with her work. By the time she was finished, she’d turned my spare guest room into a haven for herself.
When she finished, she made dinner and returned it to the bedroom. As she sat propped against the headboard, she spoke to my portrait. “I might have to get a TV tomorrow since my guardian angel hasn’t shown themselves yet, and the only company I have is you. At least a small TV would be a good way to kill time. Although, I might get some paint tomorrow and repaint these walls. Wallpaper is so 90s.”
I smiled, although it suddenly hit me like a punch how much younger than me she was. I didn’t look it, but I was an old man. And a human in my shoes would be a grandfather getting ready to retire right now.
And yet, the age gap didn’t matter. I wanted her, and it was that simple. I would have her soon.
She covered a yawn with her hand and smiled sleepily at my picture. “I’m going to crash, it was a busy day, and I haven’t caught up on my missed sleep yet. Good night, Jakari.”
“Good night,” I whispered, keeping my voice low as she sunk into the mattress and cuddled under the blankets.
In the last thirty years, I’d spent a lot of time doing a lot of nothing. But standing here, watching Irina sleep, was easily the best “doing nothing” I could imagine. Observing her allowed me to memorize every dip and scar on her body, preparing for the time when I could worship it openly. I wanted to know it all now, so when the time came, I wasted none of it on getting to know her.
Irina turned onto her back, throwing an arm over her head as she let out a soft moan. My body reacted immediately, hardening like a steel beam trying to crane itself out of my slit. I shouldn’t, not when I’d done it last night, but a creamy breast had slipped out of the tank top, offering me the sight of her tight, dusky nipple. I wanted to wrap my lips around it to show her how a forked tongue could make her sing.
And as I reached for my dick, she moaned again. Only this time, she said a word.
“Jakari …”
Her legs shifted as she spoke, moaning again softly. Was she …? She was! My perfect little heaven-sent queen was having a sex dream starring me. Well, I couldn’t have dream-me underperforming, now, could I? She deserved the best, and the best was what I would give her.
Slipping closer to the bed, I edged my tail under the duvet and slithered carefully up her leg to the hem of her shorts. The tip flicked along her soaked seam, and I growled softly, wishing it was my fingers touching her. There weren’t enough nerve endings in my tail for me to feel how soft she was.
But this wasn’t about me. She moaned again, and I flicked the tip along her once more, finding the spot that needed attention.
“Oh, God, yesss … Jake …”
She twisted again, her leg hooking around my tail as I pressed my tip deeper into her core. My hand tightened around my dick as I stroked her insides with my tail. She writhed in her sleep against it, begging for more as I picked up the pace of my hand and tail flicks.
“Fuck!” She rolled onto her belly, straddling my tail as she dug the pillow into her face.
I froze for a moment, my heart matching the pace of hers. Was she awake? She ground herself against the mattress like a woman possessed, but she never turned her face toward me. If she knew I was here, she knew I didn’t want to be discovered and somehow held herself back from looking at me.
But then she rocked against my tail again, sending it deeper inside her as she moaned again. She was so close, but close to the edge of consciousness too. Could I risk bringing her to completion if it meant being caught?