Page 56 of The B!tch List
“Thanks again, for everything, Tate. I don’t think I could have done it on my own.”
He shook my hand in both of his and smiled. “Don’t doubt yourself Shaw. You’ve got this covered. Now, will I see you at Mom’s birthday party at the weekend?”
I shrugged. “I hope so, but with the baby, I don’t know.”
“Lily has arranged for a couple of the high school girls to come and take care of JJ and Rett, and any other kids who are there, so I’m sure Tia would be okay with them. It’s not like she’s a tiny baby and you’d be on hand if they needed you. Mixing with other kids might be good for her.”
“Bronte and Carter are coming over tomorrow with Rett, so she’ll at least know him by then I guess.”
I did want to go to the party seeing as it was going to be the biggest event Dayton had seen since Ellie and Hunter’s wedding. Memories of that night brought a smile to my face, not that anything like that would ever happen again of course. Nancy and I were strictly business from now on.
“It does sound doable,” I replied. “So hopefully I’ll see you there.”
“Great,” Tate said. “And get some rest. Oh and what’s happening with the old bank deal for Nancy? Is there anything that I need to do while you’re away from the office?”
Shit, I’d totally forgotten that I’d told Nancy that I’d go and see Ruthie for her. With the long, sleepless night it had gone right out of my head.
“He’s gone with Ruthie.”
“What?” Tate eyebrows almost disappeared into his hairline. “I saw what you sent him and that was a great bid and business proposal. Ruthie must have offered some serious money to beat that.”
“That’s the thing.” I sighed. “She was eight grand under.”
Tate’s eyebrows came back down and furrowed together. “How did you find that out? Or do I not want to know?”
“Believe it or not Ruthie told me.” I shuddered as I recalled how she pinned me against the wall down the alleyway. “I didn’t give her any information about Nancy’s bid, so I was shocked when she called around to tell me that she’d lost out.”
Tate crossed his arms over his chest and nodded slowly. I’d already learned this was what he did when he was mulling something over, so I gave him a little time.
“Are we thinking bidder collusion?” he finally asked.
“I think so.”
“We have to prove it though and I guess we can’t do that until the sale goes through and Don starts doing the work. He is a contractor, am I right?”
“Yes, he is and I’m pretty sure that’s how Ruthie got it. She told me she’d got a contractor ready to go but I didn’t think for one minute it was Don. Not until Nancy told me that she’d lost the bid.”
“Damn it. Do you want me to deal with it?”
I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I’ll go and see Ruthie later.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Shaw,” Tate replied, sticking me with a concerned look. “She could accuse you of bullying tactics.”
I hadn’t thought of that. Knowing Ruthie’s dad if he found out we’d had a conversation even hinting that she pulled out, he’d have me in court faster than a prairie fire with a tail wind.
“Let me think on it,” I replied. “I’ll see if I can come up with something that doesn’t land us with a coercion charge.”
“Okay, but call me if you need help.”
“Will do,” I replied and waited for him to leave before I cursed loudly. I had no clue what to do.
* * *
“You sure she’s yours?” Carter asked as we all sat around watching Rett and Tia toddle around the yard, chasing each other. “She’s far too pretty.”
“According to the DNA result she is,” I replied. “And I think you’ll find she looks just like me. Isn’t that right Mom?”
“I think she’s more like Austen to be fair, honey,” Mom replied as she gazed lovingly at her grandchildren.