Page 61 of The B!tch List
I looked down at the card. “What if he won’t commit because I can’t?”
“He might ask you for a non-returnable deposit. If that doesn’t swing it for him then we’ll look for someone else.”
The card felt like it was burning my fingers as I thought about the prospect of soon having ownership of the bank. The possibility of that was mostly down to Shaw and the work that he’d put in over the last couple of days, all while dealing with becoming a dad.
“I can’t thank you enough for this, Shaw,” I whispered.
As I looked up at him, something shifted inside of me. There was no doubt that I’d been attracted to him, specifically his penis, but now I was beginning to like him as a person too. It felt like I could ask for his support if I needed it and I’d not had that from a man since my dad had died.
He shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged. “Just doing my job.”
“Well, I appreciate it.” And I truly did. I knew it was his job, but he truly seemed invested in this on my behalf.
Tia let out a little grizzle and Shaw bent to check on her. “I should get her home. It’s almost time for her lunch.”
I bent next to him, kissed my fingers, and then placed them against the chubby red cheek of the sleeping baby.
“If you need any help with Tia let me know.”
He nodded once and turned the stroller and started to walk away. He almost got to the gate when he turned around. “Hey Nance, you done a lifting course?”
I shook my head.
“Then unless Mrs. Baker wants you to sue her don’t ever lift those trash bags again.”
Wow, he really was making it difficult for me to hate him lately.
“Also, when you bend over to pick it up, it isn’t a great look for your ass.”
Yep, that was the Shaw I hated.
Nancy’s Bitch List for Shaw
Maximus Douchimus
Captain Shitsmear
Shit Talking Cock Womble
Dipshit Cockhead
Scrote Noggin
AssiliciousFat Ass
Tia had the shits. Her cheeks were bright red, and she was grizzly. Mom told she was teething and to call Bronte to see if she had a teether that I could have. It was the one thing that wasn’t in the huge bag that Mrs. Devonshire had left with Tia.
Bronte was on her way around, but so was Ellie.