Page 73 of The B!tch List
Narrowed eyes swung my way. “The point being, Nancy,” she bit out. “Is that I would know.”
“You are pretty distracted with sex,” Lily added. “Mom said she’s started calling ahead before she comes near to the house and seeing as you live like a few feet away from us it’s a little annoying.”
“So not true,” Ellie grumbled.
“I would know anyways,” Bronte said. “I have been pregnant before and my period isn’t due…” She trailed off and then she mouthed fuck before rushing off. “Carter, we need to go to the mall real quick.”
“No way,” Ellie yelled. “She’s not. She will not. Hunter, baby, start the truck.” Then she ran off too.
“Thank god you’re here,” Lily said, laying her head on my shoulder. “They are so tiring to be around.”
We both laughed and I just hoped that I hadn’t got it wrong because imagine the tantrums there might be.
* * *
“Have you seen Bronte?” Austen asked, brushing a hand through his hair. “She promised me a ride into town an hour ago. I have someone to meet.”
Lily snorted and I nudged her. “Leave him alone, Lily. When a boy has a date, he can get anxious.”
“I’m not anxious,” he protested.
“You’ve got a little vein just here.” I pointed above my nose and between my eyes. “It’s throbbing.”
Austen’s finger went to the same place on his own face and then glared at me. “I do not.” Then he turned to Lily. “Do I Lil?”
She rolled her eyes. Closer to Austen’s age she didn’t feel the need to soften the blow. “Austen you look fine, but if you carry on the way you’re going aren’t you worried that either your dick will drop off or the very least your lips.”
“Why is everyone giving me shit about girls. I bet no one gave Carter or Hunter crap, and what about Shaw he was banging Ruthie Grey when he was my age.”
Something swooped in my stomach at the mention of Shaw and Ruthie banging. Banging at any age but talk of them banging at the age when he and I were supposed to go to prom together was worse.
“I don’t want to think about anyone banging, thanks.” Lily shuddered. “But all I’m saying is you have a lot of years ofbangingahead of you.”
“What you’re saying is don’t use all my love juice up now, before I get to college?”
“No!” we both cried in unison.
He shook his head. “You two are weird. I’m going to ask Mom or Dad if they’ll take me.”
I looked over to where the older members of the party were sitting. Each one of them was rolling drunk. They’d been getting louder and louder as the afternoon had worn on and we hadn’t even eaten yet. Jim particularly seemed to have been distracted by the beer and shots.
“I’m not sure that will happen, Austen.” I pointed to his dad who was now on his hands and knees and braying like a donkey.
“God, they’re so embarrassing.” He groaned and then suddenly his face lit up. “Shaw, are you drunk?”
My heart jumped a beat as Shaw’s shadow loomed over us. I swallowed and gave myself a rapid talking to. I had no damn idea why I was so nervous around him all of a sudden. We’d know each other for years and we’d had sex. I’d seen his beautiful penis. His beautiful penis had been in my vagina.
“I’ve had a few, why?” Shaw’s voice boomed into my senses.
“He wants a ride into town,” Lily sighed. “He’s got a hot date.”
“What?” Austen gasped. “I’ve told you that the ladies love me.”
“Well no, I can’t give you a ride. I’ve had too much to drink.”
I chanced a look up at him and almost jumped when I realized that his gaze was on me. Swallowing I smiled tentatively. I expected something back, but I didn’t expect him to practically curl his lip in disdain and then turn away.