Page 75 of The B!tch List
Nancy’s Bitch List for Shaw
Maximus Douchimus
Captain Shitsmear
Shit Talking Cock Womble
Dipshit Cockhead
Scrote Noggin
AssiliciousFat Ass
Studly McStudly
I have no name bad enough for how sad he’s made me
My head was all over the place.
My daughter could be about to be taken away from me. I was trying to study for when I went back to school after summer break and Nancy Andrews had me in knots.
I wasn’t sure which of my problems to take on next in my ever-growing list ofShaw’s Shit List. In order of importance, it was most definitely Tia first but what was worrying me was that Nancy was second. I’d worked hard to become a lawyer, but Nancy Fucking Andrews was currently more significant than that.
I couldn’t sleep for thinking about either her or Tia. Sometimes it was both of them because I couldn’t get out of my head what Tate had said about getting myself a serious relationship. It was something that I couldn’t stop thinking about. I didn’t think that I wanted to be with Nancy just for that reason, in fact I was sure of it. It was plain and simple. I wanted Nancy period. My feelings for her had been changing for a while and it suddenly didn’t feel so much fun throwing her shade. Yet at Henry and Melinda’s barbeque I hadn’t been able to stop myself.
She’d looked so damn hurt the moment that I’d said it, I wanted to take it back. I wanted to get down on my knees and beg her to forgive me. I wanted to tell her I didn’t mean a fucking word of it. It wasn’t long after that she left. She told Lily that she had a headache, well she sure was getting a lot of those lately. Skipping Jefferson and Kitty’s engagement party and then the barbeque with a headache. I was thinking that the headache she was leaving for was actually mine and was called Minnesota.
He was why I hadn’t begged her to forgive me. He was why I’d said those words in the first place. She’d gone back to him after everything he’d done, and he damn well didn’t deserve her. Not sure I did either but at least I knew I would treat her right if I got the opportunity. Which was funny as hell seeing as I talked shit to her on a regular basis and I’d hurt her with my shit talk.
“Hey Shaw.”
I looked up to see Hunter grinning at me. Sighing I dropped my gaze down to the burger on my plate. All I’d wanted was to take a peaceful lunch break, but no, here was one half of Dayton’s favorite comedy duo to brighten up my day.
“Hey, Hunt.”
I waved a hand at him, hoping that he’d move on, but he didn’t. He sat down at my table and poured some water from the jug into a glass. All the while grinning like an idiot.
“I heard your news,” I said. “Congrats.”
“Thanks, buddy.” The grin got wider, and he straightened in his seat. “I am so fucking excited.”
“That why you and Ellie left early on Saturday?”
“Yep, she did the test in the bathroom in her old room.”
“I heard. I also heard that my sister did one in the family bathroom.” I shook my head. “I thought those two were in a race to announce their pregnancy first yet they both ran home without telling anyone.”
Hunter laughed and called to Delphine that he wanted his usual, before turning back to me. “I guess it wasn’t so important who was first, just that they were. Carter is meeting me here for lunch actually.”