Page 80 of The B!tch List
His eyebrows met in the middle, and he made some kind of mumbling sound. I was sure that the word no was not in there. Damn hewasjealous.
“We’d been texting, and I thought I’d come and speak to you in person,” Shaw said, holding his hands palms up in a shrug. “He was coming out of your apartment, and he hugged you. What was I supposed to think?”
“You could have asked me. I thought we’d made progress at the party. I thought we’d come to some sort of understanding.” Okay, so that understanding had been he wasn’t going to fuck me against a wall, and that he hadn’t asked me to prom like I’d thought. It was enough for me to think that we were kind of friends though. “I felt like we were becoming friends and so you should have hung around and knocked on my door and asked me.”
He looked at me through his lashes and grimaced. “I guess I should have, instead I acted like a dick and I’m sorry for that.”
“If I was going to get back with him, and I promise you that I’m not, I would tell you.”
Something passed over his face that I couldn’t read. He almost looked shy, but this was Shaw Jackson. Mr. Confident.
“Why would you tell me?” he asked, pulling his shoulders back and taking a step closer.
My heart started to thud a fast beat at his nearness and tingles of electricity shot over my skin as I contemplated being honest. Of telling him how I really felt. When he lifted a finger and ran it down my cheek, I knew that this was my opportunity. For once I was going to be frank about what I wanted. Truth be known, the whole time I’d been with Minnesota I’d been the sort of girlfriend that he wanted me to be. One who didn’t mind if he took weekend breaks with his buddies or went drinking with them for hours while I waited for him to come home. I was the sort of girlfriend who planned a long, overseas trip for us when what I really wanted to do was tell him he wasn’t what I wanted or needed. That I really wanted a man who would commit to me.
I took a breath and licked my lips. “I’d tell you because I like you, Shaw,” I breathed out. “I’d tell you because I want there to be more between us and telling you that would give you an opportunity to step up and be honest about how you feel too.”
“You don’t think I’m being honest with you?” He leaned in closer so that his body was flush with mine. His hips pushing against my stomach.
“I don’t think so, no,” I replied, and when I moved to lean back against the car Shaw came with me. “I think you like me more than you’d like to admit.”
God, I hoped that I was right. I was going to look an idiot if I wasn’t, but no one ever got what they wanted by sitting in the background. Better to be an idiot than disappointed.
“Maybe you’re right,” he whispered, his mouth close to my ear. “Maybe I do want more than just sex. I did say we needed to talk about allthe stuff.Do you remember that?”
I nodded, conscious that my nipples were rubbing up and down his chest with each breath I took. The anticipation and desire made them sensitive to every brush and I wondered if anyone would care if we actually had sex on the hood of my car in the middle of town.
“So how about we go back to your place and talk aboutthe stuff?” he asked, his fingers linking with mine.
“Aren’t you on your lunch break?” I asked.
Shaw pulled out his phone and dialed a number. When he put it to his ear, his eyes grazed up and down me.
“Hey, Evie. It’s Shaw…yep. Can you tell Tate something came up. I’ll be back late and catch up the time…great. See you later.” He smiled at me and with a glint in his eye said, “Okay, let’s go.”
Nancy’s Bitch List for Shaw
Maximus Douchimus
Captain Shitsmear
Shit Talking Cock Womble
Dipshit Cockhead
Scrote Noggin
AssiliciousFat Ass