Page 93 of The B!tch List
“I have no idea what I saw in you,” Minnesota yelled as he pushed to his feet with beer dripping from him.
“Yeah, well that’s mutual,” Nancy snapped, before grabbing my hand. “I’m going home to have sex with someone who knows what to do and not a gnome with a tickle dick.”
God my girl was good with the insults. I certainly wouldn’t want to be on the end of one of them, again.
We were just about out the door when Nancy gasped and pulled me to a stop.
“What?” I asked, turning around to see what was wrong.
“She’s here,” she said it like she was one of those psychics who reckon you have your dead loved ones looking over your shoulder. “I can smell her.”
She sniffed the air and then started scanning the room. Lord knew what smell Ruthie gave off because she evidently did because Nancy pointed at her. Pulling her hand from mine she stormed off to the high table in the corner where Ruthie was standing with Bronte’s nemesis, Mindy Parkinson. They both had long, blue colored drinks in front of them and Ruthie was wearing a white, almost-there strapless dress. It didn’t take a law student with a 3.9 GPA to know what was going to happen next.
“You, bitch,” Nancy yelled, striding straight for Ruthie. “You absolute bitch.”
Ruthie must have known what was going to happen too, because she pulled Mindy in front of her and peered over her shoulder.
“Don’t you come near me, Nancy Andrews,” Ruthie whimpered.
I got a hold of Nancy’s hand, but she glared at me. Being a man who wanted to have more children in the future I let it go. “Have at it, gorgeous.”
Nancy didn’t respond but turned back to Ruthie. “You ruined prom for me. You and Minnesota, you ruined one of the last memories I have of doing something with my mom.”
Woah, I hadn’t expected that and by the way Nancy’s eyes had gone wide, I didn’t think she did either. She looked heartbroken and hurt, crestfallen; every word I could think of to describe the worst possible feeling in the world. Not caring about my balls any longer, I took her hand. She didn’t pull away, but she didn’t let up on Ruthie either.
“I went shopping with my mom and then she died a few months later and all I can remember is the shitty yellow dress that she bought for me.” She shook her head and took a deep breath, plainly sucking back the tears. “And you know what, it wasn’t shitty, it was pretty, but you tainted that memory because of what you did.”
Ruthie straightened her shoulders from behind Mindy and sneered at Nancy. “You can’t blame me for that.”
“I can,” Nancy spat back. “And I do. You did a mean thing, Ruthie, a real mean thing. I hope no daughter of yours ever has the misfortune to have someone like you in her class, or even her airspace. You are a class A bitch and so much worse, but I’m a lady and won’t use that word for you.”
My brows rose on that one—I’d had sex with Nancy Andrews and there were times when she was no lady. That girl had a dirty mouth on her.
“Well it looks like you got what you want,” Ruthie said, nodding toward me. “If you want my sloppy seconds then you can have them.”
“Hey,” I said, stepping forward and pointing at Ruthie. “There is nothing sloppy about me.”
Nancy snorted and patted my arm. “Okay, baby, leave this one to me.”
Reverting to being the man who wanted more children in the future, I stepped back and let Nancy take control again.
“I don’t care what you say, Ruthie,” Nancy continued. “Because I’m pretty sure Shaw will agree he saved the best ‘til last.”
“Yep,” I said, raising my hand. “I agree.”
“Oh whatever, he was a crap lay anyway.”
Now that was a damn lie! Thankfully Nancy agreed with me. She burst out laughing. “Bullshit and you know it.”
“Well if you like mediocre, Nancy, then you’re welcome to him and that stupid bank. I’ve found a much better building.”
It was this point that Mindy found her voice, clearly sick of just being a human barricade. “You have not. You told me that you couldn’t find anything for the money.”
Ruthie smacked her arm and hissed at her to be quiet.
“What a pity,” Nancy replied. “A topless karaoke bar is exactly what we’re missing here in Dayton.”
If it had been female waitresses, I might have agreed. Not in Nancy’s hearing distance though obviously.