Page 7 of Bred By the Cowboy
“Out for his money, aren’t you, Annie?” Dolly says as she deals out plates of pancakes and bacon.
“Oh yeah, the sweet, sweet money of people who live in Home, Washington, of all places.”
“Money ain’t everything. Home is home, and always will be,” Dolly says.
I nod. I’ll have to work hard to make it so, but I’m planning on making this place my always. And hers too, if she wants it.
Breakfast is everything Dad hypes it up to be. It’s heavy and hearty, a good country breakfast if there ever was one. Dolly is one heck of a cook and I can’t get enough of it. It surprises me, because she was so damn perfect already.
Nearly in a food coma, I lean back in my chair. Annie is off to her job and my father is back to the fields. I like his idea, but Dolly has other plans for me. “Come on, I want to go check on that foal,” she says, taking me by the hand and pulling me up.
I raise an eyebrow. She doesn’t need me for that, but I’m also not going to turn down a chance to spend more time with her.
We head on out to the barn, and toward Cheddar and her newborn. She neighs as we walk up, and I ruffle her head. She remembers me now, after being a bit preoccupied yesterday. The foal is awkward but standing, is feeding and looks healthy.
“It’s good that he’s doing well,” Dolly says, stroking Cheddar’s coat. “When I heard her in pain I panicked a bit and wondered if I should go wake your dad up to get a vet out here or something.”
“She’s fine,” I say, my mind occupied. I can’t keep my eyes off Dolly’s backside. My thoughts are filled with what I want to do with her, and it’s not just kissing her. They’re things I’d never bring up in polite company.
“I guess giving birth is painful,” she goes on. “For horses as much as it is for humans. Lord knows whenever I have my own little foal I’m going to be screaming a whole lot more than Cheddar here did.”
I want to make her scream too, but they wouldn’t be painful screams.
“We should let Cheddar here rest. You know what we should do, though? We got plenty of other horses. Why not welcome yourself back to the ranch with a horse ride, Angus? Show us you haven’t become a city boy completely.”
I laugh, but shake my head. “I really ought to focus on going over the ranch’s books. My dad’s really fallen behind on them.”
She shook her head. “I see the dark circles under your eyes, Angus. You’ve been up all night poring over those. Don’t you think you need a break?”
“I took one for breakfast.”
“Take a longer one. Those books ain’t going anywhere. Come on, cowboy, it’s a beautiful day and we should go and enjoy it.”
I should resist. I should focus on what needs to be done. But Dolly looking up at me, fluttering her eyelashes and showing me that beautiful smile, is all it takes to convince me. “Fine. I’ll get the saddles.”
The more things change on the ranch, the more they stay the same. Everything is right where I left it, and it’s easy enough to suit up our stallion T-Bone and one of the mares, Yogurt, for a nice leisurely ride.
“You know, I never got around to asking this,” Dolly says as we ride along through the fields, a nearby lake in sight. “What’s with your horse names? Cheddar? T-Bone? Yogurt?”
I snicker. “It’s a tribute to my mom’s family. My grandmother was named Cookie, and Mom’s name was Meringue. Their names are based on the foods their mothers craved while they were pregnant with them. Thankfully Mom was a bit more subtle with Anise and I. I’m named after beef, she’s named after a spice.”
Dolly smiles. “And you carried this to the horses because?”
“My father thought it was hilarious. And he wanted to keep the spirit alive, so he kept giving our livestock food names. Angus and Annie can fly under the radar, but Cheddar and Yogurt are pretty obvious. And it’s not like we can really tell what the mares are craving, so we just go with whatever we like at the time. Knowing Dad, that foal might just end up being named Coffee if that’s all that’s on his mind when it comes time to name him.”
“I guess it’s a way to remember your mom nowadays. Seems a bit too cheesy for my own kids, I think.”
“Really? Cheddar is too cheesy?”
She shook her head, her grin wide.
“If that tradition continues, it’s on my sister. I plan on deferring to my woman for names. You deal with the pain, you get more voting power for that, in my opinion.”
“Sounds good to me,” she says, her smile shining as brightly as ever. She rides slightly ahead of me, and that suits me just fine as I can enjoy the sight of her cute little ass as Yogurt gallops along. Soon enough we’re at the lake, and it’s as good a spot as any to let the horses take a break. We let them drink as we both take a seat on a blanket we bought.
“Ow... I never thought riding could be so tiring,” she says.
“Always surprises me too.” My eyes are still fixed on her. Every bit of her is riveting to me, and the more I’m with her, the deeper my fascination with her goes.