Page 41 of Twisted Redemption
My cheeks heat, and Blaze cocks an eyebrow.
“If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to start thinking you want more than me just sleeping in your bed, Daisy.”
“I didn’t want—” I let out a frustrated groan, throwing my sleeping clothes to the floor before storming out of the bedroom.
Downstairs, Angel is curled up on the couch. I give her a kiss before pouring myself some cereal.
By the time I hear Blaze’s footsteps on the stairs, I’m rinsing out my bowl while the coffee maker gurgles. He still hasn’t put his shirt on.
I ignore him while he rummages around in the cabinets. After I broke up with David, I rearranged everything to the way I liked. Which means nothing is where it all used to be when Blaze was over all the time.
“You’re really not going to tell me where anything is?”
I stare at the coffee dripping into the pot. “I never said you could stick around for breakfast.”
His laugh is sharp. Bitter. “You must’ve hit your head harder than I thought.”
I whip around to face him, ignoring how the action makes my head pound harder. “Don’t you dare insult my intelligence again. Just go.”
His glare hardens. He steps toward me until my back is pinned to the sink, his hands gripping the counter on either side of me. “I’ve already told you twice—I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
I shake my head. “Have someone else do it. There are plenty of other guys at Grayson Security who would jump at the job.”
He bristles. “The only other person I trust with your safety is Dominic. And he’s busy.”
“Who you trust doesn’t matter. Hell, what you want doesn’t matter. This is my house. My safety. And I say, get the fuck out.” I’m able to keep my voice surprisingly even considering how close to me he is. I can practically feel the irritation rolling off of him.
He leans down, until his face is a mere inch from mine. He’s smiling, but it’s humorless. “No.”
When he steps back, I expect some of the tension to dissipate, but it doesn’t. There isn’t an ounce of warmth in his expression. Just cold, hard determination, and something that looks suspiciously like cruel satisfaction at my discomfort.
“Someone needs to watch out for you, since you obviously don’t give a shit about your own wellbeing.”
I wince.
“I’m not going anywhere, Brooke. So you might as well just accept it.”
“I’ll stay with Alex.”
“He’s the one who’s paying me to stay with you.”
I bite my lip. This whole conversation, a tiny part of me has been focusing on the fact that Blaze is here.
Last night, he very well might’ve saved my life.
This morning, he held me close.
He told me that I’d scared him.
It all led me to one conclusion that I know isn’t true. But my heart can’t help but wish it were.
I just want you to care about me.
“You’re only here because Alex hired you to be my bodyguard.”
He’s silent.