Page 86 of Twisted Redemption
“So he said. You had no right to make him promise that.”
He rolls his eyes. “You need to focus on school. Your senior year is starting up in a couple of weeks. You’re already dealing with enough. Do you seriously want to add a relationship on top of it? A relationship that might very well fail? Tell me, Brooke, what is he doing to make things right?”
I cross my arms. Of course Alex would take this stance. “This is Blaze we’re talking about. We’re best friends. He’s committed to fixing things, and so am I.”
“What. is. he. fucking. doing?”
“Therapy. And apologizing a lot—way more than he needs to. He’s back to being himself with me, Alex. I’ve missed him so much.”
“That’s not enough.”
“Just give him time.”
Rubbing a hand over his face, Alex says, “Fine.” Then he narrows his eyes, pinning me in place. “And what is this dating-but-not-dating nonsense? Does he not want to put a label on it? Because if he’s trying to keep you a secret because of this whole Charlie business—”
“Wait, you knew about that?!”
“Not officially. But it’s pretty obvious that they don’t love each other. They’re nothing like me and Soph. Or the way you and Blaze have always been, no matter how much I hate to admit it.”
His words make me beam. Being compared to him and Soph? Coming from Alex, that’s practically a blessing—even if he might have his reservations.
“It’s complicated. But we’ll figure it out. We’re Brooke and Blaze. We belong together.”
I shrug, like it’s as simple as that. As simple as fate, or puzzle pieces that fit together effortlessly. It may not be the case, but I don’t care.
Blaze said he’ll fight for me. And I don’t plan on giving up on him, either.
AFTER BROOKE AND Alex get back from their little chat in the office, Alex drags me back the way they came. Brooke looks after us with a worried look on her face.
I’m pretty sure I know what’s coming. Alex has been berating me for months to fix things with Brooke. If only I’d listened to him earlier.
Once we’re out of earshot, Alex slams me against the wall. I let him.
“What the hell is going on between you and my sister?” His eyes are burning with fury.
“We’re working things out.”
“Working things out my ass. You know who she went to after you rejected her apology? After you rejected her, when she’d just been through hell? She came to me. She was fucking broken, Blaze.”
“I’m sorry.” And I really am. The thought of Brooke broken makes me sick—even if at one terribly-recent point in my life, it also brought me some type of satisfaction.
“I don’t give a fuck,” he yells. “Two months. I’ve waited two months for you to sort your shit out, because frankly, getting involved in my sister’s love life ended in disaster last time. But whatever is going on between the two of you—”
“The last thing I want to do is hurt her, Alex.”
He shakes his head. “You don’t deserve her.”
“I know. Trust me, I know. But she’s giving me another chance, and I’d be an idiot if I didn’t take it. I know I fucked up, okay? I’m doing everything I can to make it right. And I promise—Brooke’s safety is my number one priority. Physically and emotionally.”
Alex releases me, stepping back and running a hand through his hair. “I know. I just—I want her back. I want her fucking happy.”
“So do I.”
He cuts me a dark look. “Don’t think I won’t kill you if you hurt her again. She’s giving you another chance, but from where I stand, you’re on thin fucking ice, Grayson.”