Page 2 of Rochelle's Manster
“Everyone ready?” Clarissa shakes her hair, her whole body really, as if loosening up. “Relax and open yourself up to receive the Goddess’ blessings. Envision your perfect mate. What do they look like? How do they talk and carry themselves? See the quirk of their lips when they smile, or the glimmer in their eye when they look at you. Hold on to that image as I ask for our blessings. You don’t have to say anything until the end, when you respond with ‘so mote it be’.”
I give in to this direction, letting go of my firm grip on reality the way I do when I read Tolkien or Sanderson or Tad Williams. This is fantasy in real life, and I set myself to enjoy it as I take off my top, seeing my ideal man in my mind’s eye.
My mind’s eye is throwing some specifics into the vision, things I didn’t write down and didn’t know I wanted until just now: dark hair, beautifully shaped lips, a pirate’s smile, wicked eyes, a leanly muscled body, and—oh wow—a well-endowed package. He’s looking at me like he’s ravenous for me, but also like he worships me. I shiver suddenly, my bare nipples peaking in the chilly autumn air.
Clarissa goes on speaking her incantation.
“Goddesses of the north, south, east, and west
Bestow your blessings, your power best
Fires of passion
Waters of our hearts
Winds of love
To us, will you impart
Bring us our soulmates, for this we plea
With open minds and pure hearts, we implore
So mote it be.”
Someone murmurs so mote it be, so I say the words, holding on to the image in my head.
“Now, carefully dip your candle into the flames, and when it catches, drip the pink wax onto your card. Once you have seven drops, release your request into the Goddess’ care by dropping the card into the fire. Blow out the candle when you are done, but do not break it. I’m going to have you take it home.”
I drip pink wax onto my card, then drop it into the fire and blow out my candle. Somewhere in my chest there’s a warm spot of hope and anticipation, and somewhere in my mind there’s a modern-day pirate with a heart of gold and a very generous set of genitals.
I’m trying not to get my hopes up.
We part after our girls’ weekend with hugs and smiles, and I know I’ll see these women again soon. Until then?
Well, I’ve put in my request. We’ll see if the Goddess comes through for me.