Page 5 of Single Dads Club
Beck reached under the table and squeezed my thigh again. “Give me his name and I’ll return the favor.”
I laughed, and then our drinks arrived, complete with a napkin note slid specifically to Sawyer. I sipped at my cocktail and grinned at him through the odd feeling of jealousy I was experiencing. “Look at you go.”
He tossed the napkin towards the center of the table and I saw that I’d assumed correctly. Our waitress’s number was written out neatly. “Not interested.”
I frowned and looked at where she was standing at the bar, pouring a beer. She was beautiful and tiny. Her petite frame would look adorable next to Sawyer’s larger one. “Why not?”
He took a long pull from his beer and then held my gaze as he leaned closer. “Because I’m not interested.”
There was a heaviness in the air, and I couldn’t stop myself from pushing. I knew that whatever his real answer was, it was going to shift whatever was happening between us, but no amount of my fear could shut my mouth. “That’s not a real reason, Sawyer.”
“Say my name again.” His voice was lower as he delivered the order.
My hands shook as I did. “Sawyer.”
He stood up abruptly from the table and took a deep breath before looking at his friends. Something seemed to pass silently between them, because when Sawyer moved around to me, Jack and Beck were already standing, too. “Would you like a tour of the rest of the building? If you haven’t seen the back offices, you’re really missing out.”
My heart pounded as I looked between the three of them, my body buzzing. I wasn’t sure what he was asking, if the tour was really just a tour, or if there was something more. On the off chance that it was more, I hesitated to answer. Time ticked on as I tried to work through which choice was right. I wasn’t someone who jumped into things, as I rarely had the chance to. I had to recognize that the men in front of me could be my chance to jump and, despite never jumping before, I wanted to more than anything. I wanted to know the secrets that could be waiting on their tour.
I was nervous, but it was like Gabe was answering for me as I spoke. It was his bravado that strengthened my voice. “Yes, please.”
Sawyer took my hand and left me no choice but to keep up with his long strides as he led me back to the staircase. Instead of down, he went up. At the top of the stairs, he brought me down a hallway, and at the last door, he opened it and pulled me inside.
My mouth fell open as I looked around the room. It was an office, with a big wooden desk still centered in it, but it was the window behind the desk that stunned. The artist in me flocked to it. The stained glass let in moonlight and light from a security pole outside, and it turned the room into a sort of kaleidoscope. I decided then itwasjust a tour. The room was so beautiful, there was no way they hadn’t just wanted to share it with me.
I ran my fingertips over the glass and then pressed my cheek to it, feeling the coolness soothe my overheated skin. “This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine not using this room if I had access to it.”
I turned around and sucked in a sharp breath. The sight of the three men standing on the other side of the room, their faces all cast in shades of red, blue, and green, was one I never could’ve dreamt up in a million years. They were beautiful, and I wanted to capture them like that, all so serious as they stared at me. A piece of my pride built itself back up in that moment, because it wasmethey were looking at, not the work of art behind me.
Sawyer moved closer first. He only stopped when he was nearly chest-to-chest with me. Staring down at me, he brushed a piece of my hair out of my face and then ran his thumb over my bottom lip, pulling it from between my teeth. “You make me jealous of your teeth when you do that.”
I searched his face for signs he was joking, but all I found was sincerity and hunger. With every nerve ending in my body screaming out, I tipped my head back enough to invite him to take what he wanted. “Sawyer…”
“Fuck,” he growled and then crushed his lips to mine.
I’dbeenkissedbefore,enough times to know what kissing was like. Sawyer blew all of that out of the water. With his hands lodged in my hair and his hard body pressing into mine, he showed me that I’d never been properly kissed. He moved his mouth over mine hungrily, almost desperately. He wanted more, needed more, and I could feel it. When he stroked his tongue over my lips, I opened for him, and let out a quiet moan when our tongues curled against each other.
I gasped when my back hit the cool glass behind me and opened my eyes when Sawyer’s mouth left mine. My hands pressed into the stained glass when I saw how Sawyer’s eyes roamed over my face. He looked like a man coming in from the wild. His hair was even mussed, and I wondered briefly if I’d done that.
“Too much?” His voice was deeper, almost rough as it washed over me. His breath fluttered over my neck and shoulder, just as broken as mine. “If it’s too much, we can stop.”
I shook my head quickly, unwilling to walk away from whatever was happening. Things like that didn’t happen to me, and a sense of the moment slipping through my fingers lit a desperation in me unlike anything I’d ever felt. I grabbed the front of his shirt and stretched up to kiss him again. I ran my hands over his shoulders and locked my arms around his neck as he took control of the kiss.
Sawyer’s big body pressed into mine, and I arched my back to try to gain more contact. When just my shoulder blades and butt were pressing into the cool glass, he slipped his arm into the space between and held me tight, bending into me. His mouth broke away from our kiss to press hot, open-mouthed kisses across my jaw and down my throat. My head hit the glass with athudas I tried to give him more access. Sawyer’s other hand stroked down my side and gripped the back of my thigh, trying to lift it around his, but my dress wasn’t cooperating. He lifted his head and looked down at me. “Your head? This dress.”
I giggled, because I wasn’t finished embarrassing myself for the night, and nodded. “It’s okay. It’ll balance out where I hit the front earlier.”
“Makes sense.” His eyes searched my face as he straightened and walked us backwards. “The dress?”
Jack and Beck’s presences were stronger where Sawyer stopped at the desk. My heart kicked it up another notch when I thought of how I looked to them. Kissing was one thing, but if I took my dress off, they’d see everything. Three of the most beautiful men I’d ever seen in my life would see me naked.
Jack inched closer and brushed my hair off of my neck as he stood behind me, letting me feel his body against mine. He was hot and hard with muscle, and there was a distinct rod poking me in the lower back. There was a moment of hesitation where no one moved or even breathed. They were waiting on something—what, I didn’t know. It was only when I shifted restlessly that I found they were waiting on a sign from me that what they were doing was okay.
Kissing my shoulder and the back of my neck, Jack reached down and grabbed both sides of my dress near my calves. “Can I take this off, Win?”