Page 65 of Single Dads Club
Stacey finally looked down and saw Winnie’s stomach. Her eyes widened and her lips puckered like she was already sucking on the super sour lemonade that Winnie loved. “Oh. I didn’t know you were pregnant.”
Winnie stroked her hand over her belly in the way that I’d instantly found to be such a turn on. Her instincts to care and love the baby she was growing were so strong and sexy. “It was a surprise to most of us.”
I fought the urge to follow them inside the house and made myself go back to sit with the guys. Still, I couldn’t relax as I sat there. “Stacey needs Winnie back at the school or she’s going to be fired.”
Beck raised his eyebrows. “Did you pull some strings?”
“Nope. Our woman is just that loved.” I stared back at the doorway. “She’s going to take it, right? It’s what she wants.”
“I don’t know what she wants right now.” Jack grunted when Birdie came out of nowhere and launched herself into his chest. “Jeez, Bird. I’m going to sign you up for football.”
She clapped his cheeks between her hands and smiled her sneaky smile. It was a smile that made my stomach clench and my hands sweat a little. “I know something you don’t know.”
Beck winced. “Bird, if you put something in the air vents again, we’re going to fight.”
“No, Becky!”
He scowled at her and grabbed her from Jack’s lap to hold her upside down. “We talked about that name!”
She laughed and screamed until he put her back on her feet. “It’s about Mom. Grandma told me.”
I sat forward. “Oh, yeah?”
“She said Mom loves all of you and that you’re going to be my dads.” Birdie grew quiet, and I saw her mother shining through her, the nerves and hope so evident in her eyes. “Grandma is always right.”
Beck picked her up again, that time to hold her against his chest. “Grandma is right again, Bird. As long as you want us, we’re here for you.”
“What do I call you?”
Jack tapped the end of her nose and smiled. “Whatever you want, Bird.”
I knew his mistake right away. He did, too, judging by the regret on his face.
Birdie gave us her devious smile again and wiggled out of Beck’s arms. “Whatever I want?”
“Birdie. Within reason. Don’t—”
“Dads.” She tapped Jack back on his nose and then took off running across the yard, yelling at Olive. “They’re okay with it, Ollie! We’re sisters!”
Arlo screamed dramatically and fell backwards in the grass. “I wanted a brother!”
I pressed my knuckles to my mouth and cleared my throat, trying my hardest not to cry like a baby. When I chanced a glance at Jack and Beck, they were both struggling, too. “God. That little asshole got me.”
Jack patted his chest a few times and coughed. “She probably meant to make us weak and emotional. Her next attack will be even more painful.”
“She slapped my stomach this morning and asked me if everyone was pregnant.” Beck frowned again, remembering he was mad at her. “I haven’t gained any weight. She’s just manipulating me to stop me from eating the last cupcake. It’s like living with a terrorist.”
“It’s honestly like watching an origin story from a comic book with her. I just can’t tell which way she’s going to go.” Jack shuddered, his brain supplying the answer that we all agreed on in unison.
AfterStaceyleft,Ididn’t go straight back outside. I went to the room that the guys had immediately designated the nursery. It was early, but I wanted to paint murals on the walls, and I wanted to do it while I could still climb up a ladder without my belly getting in the way. There was only one piece of furniture in the room, the same beat-up old rocking chair that I’d nursed Birdie in. Mom had nursed me in it, too, after finding the chair on the side of the road. Dad had sanded it down and painted it a pale pink for her. The paint was mostly faded after thirty years, but it was the one thing I’d never move without.
Resting my hands on my stomach, I closed my eyes and did what I’d been doing since the guys had found out about the baby. I accepted them and spoke to them. I had spent the first few days apologizing for almost making a terrible mistake. After that, I had just told them about their dads and their siblings. I told them about how I felt and what was happening in the house. I tried to make up for four months of ignoring their existence.