Page 26 of Thalia De Luca
"Do I really need to tell you that?" my dad says furrowing his eyebrows at me. "After tonight, you need someone with you at all times to make sure you don't do anything stupid. Especially since you are going to Russia, close to where the enemy is and he wants you both dead."
"Why not send someone else?"
"Because I don't trust them and plus since you want to go out and fuck around then you will get the chance to do that in Moscow."
"Do I have to go with him though?" I ask, pointing to Alexander. "I am pretty sure I can take care of myself."
Alexander chuckles. "As if."
I look at Alexander. "I'm sorry, who is the one who beat the other to a pulp during training the other day."
Alexander leans forward. "I was going easy, angel. Don't want to ruin the only good feature you have now, would I?"
"You’re such a dick." I roll my eyes. "I can take care of myself and I certainly don't need you for anything. You are just a waste of a-"
"Cut it out!" my father yells. "I am so sick and tired of you two arguing nonstop. You argue over the stupidest shit," my dad rubs his temples and sighs. "You two need to get along because I am not going to go through this with the both of you every day because I swear to god you both have been nothing but dicks to each other since the start."
"You two need to learn how to get along and work together. Especially since you are going on this mission together," my mom says.
As I look at her, I notice how drained she looks. She has bags under her eyes, and I notice her jaw is more prominent, making me think she lost weight.
"You really do," Emma claims. "It's ridiculous that you guys always argue."
"It's not just me-"
"Stop," Leo says, cutting Alexander off.
I let out an annoyed sigh and look at Alexander who looks frustrated and is clenching his fist.
"Now, you both will be in Russia for the weekend. You and Alexander will go to the club and get that location. The next day you will get on a plane and come back here. I want you guys to be quick and get out of Russia as soon as you can."
"Anything else?" I ask in an annoyed tone.
"Pack your bags."
I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body at the same time I hear my phone ring.
I pick up the phone and put it to my ear as I walk back into the room. "Hello?" I ask, not knowing who it is.
I didn't look at the caller ID, so I had no clue who was calling.
"Hello, gorgeous," I hear Cameron say from the other side of the phone.
I feel my lips lift in a small smile. "Hey. What's up? I am kind of in a rush."
Alexander and I have a flight to get on to go to Russia soon and I want to take care of some last-minute things before heading out.
Like showering so I don’t smell bad on the plane.
I did most of my packing yesterday which wasn't a lot because I just packed some clothes for when I go to sleep and then clothes for the mission. My dad also said he wanted Alexander and me to take a bag of weapons in case things get out of hand, which they won't.
"Oh, should I call you back? I just wanted to talk to you. I'm not doing anything, and everyone is out so I wanted to talk to you."
"No, we can talk. I'll just multitask," I chuckle.
"What are you doing right now?" he asks.