Page 29 of Thalia De Luca
The girl sent us a small smile before Alexander brought us inside the elevator. Luckily, there was no one in the elevator with us.
"Why the fuck did you do that?" I ask pushing him away from me.
"Do what?" Alexander deadpans.
"Not let me blow her brains out?"
Alexander looks at me. "Because if I did that, then that would ruin everything, and I don't want to stay in this goddamn country for long so sorry I kill-blocked you."
I roll my eyes and lean against the wall.
When the elevator door opens, Alexander and I walk to our room silently, not saying a word to each other. When we enter our hotel room, I see our bags placed on our beds. My bags were placed on the bed closer to the window in the room that is overlooking the city while Alexander's bags were placed on the bed that was next to mine.
Our other bag, which is filled with weapons, is next to the table that is right in front of the window.
I walk over to the window and see the city and some snow that is coming down. It is the middle of April, so I am shocked that there is light snow.
I feel my phone vibrate from inside my pocket making me take it out.
"Hey baby, did you land okay?" my mother asks.
"Yea. Alexander and I are in the hotel room and Michael put our bags and shit like that in our room."
Michael is basically my 'bodyguard' I guess you can say. My father made me bring one here and some other men because he wanted to make sure that there are no issues.
"Okay great. How was the flight?"
Fucking torture.
I couldn't sleep at all and when I finally did get a chance to sleep, we had already landed. Alexander was just working on the computer, and I couldn’t help but watch him work for a little.
The way he furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed his forehead made me want to demand for him to get off the computer and go to sleep because he looked stressed out. He also looked kind of cute when he furrowed his eyebrows at something he didn't understand.
Ew, no, he didn't look cute what the fuck?
"Fine," I state.
"Did you guys take a look at the weapons?" my father says.
I didn't even know he was on the phone or near my mother.
"Not yet. But I know we have the mission tonight, so we were going to take a look at the plan and make sure everything is set," I say and look behind me only to see Alexander on the bed with his eyes closed.
I don't go over to wake him but something in my body is forcing me not to go over there and slap him until he is awake.
We also only have a few hours until we both have to get ready for the mission.
"I want to go over the plan one more time just to make sure you guys know what you're doing."
My father and his plans.
Every time there is a mission, he always makes sure to go over the plan five times before the actual mission.
"Well, Anastasia is going to be substituting one of the strippers at the club so I will go to the club all glammed up and Xavier will come minutes later all dressed up in a suit to protect little Anastasia in case anything happens to her," I deadpan.
Anastasia and Xavier are my and Alexander's names for while we are here in Russia because if anyone knew our real names then that will spread like wildfire, and we will get caught.