Page 46 of Thalia De Luca
Twenty Three
I roll over on my bed and check my phone, seeing a message from Ace telling me to go to his office for a meeting.
It's been three days since I got back from Moscow and Thalia still hasn't been found yet. Aria has been worried sick while I have been alone in my house.
Ace keeps threatening me to get to his estate but I couldn’t care less. I just want to be alone.
My dad and mom have also been up my ass and lecturing me about not caring enough for Thalia. To be honest, I am just trying to forget about her.
She is probably on some island, enjoying being alone. She left because she was scared.
But there is no way in hell I am going to admit to Ace about Thalia and my activities before she left. If I did that then he would punch me until I’m black and blue.
I let out a groan before getting up from my bed and walking towards my shower. I turn the water on and change the temperature to make it cold.
I like taking cold showers in the morning because it wakes me up and it also relieves me sometimes when I need it.
Once I am done with my shower, I put a towel around my waist and walk towards my closet to find clothes to change into. Since I have a meeting with Ace and my parents, I have to dress a certain way which is kind of annoying.
Every time I have a meeting with them, they always tell me to dress formally which I don't understand. Every time I go to the meeting, Thalia never dresses formally. She always gets away with it but that's probably because her dad's in charge.
I change into a suit and tie before spraying cologne and leaving my room. Once I get outside, I pick my black Porsche 911 to drive to the De Luca estate. The car roars to life when I start the engine and then I pull out of my driveway and leave.
While driving, I listen to music while also thinking about what the hell this meeting could be for.
Did they find Thalia? Is it about the Russians?
So many fucking questions.
My mind has been kind of blank for the past few days. I have just been trying to distract myself so that I can stop thinking about Thalia. I don't want to think about her.
She hurt me when she decided to leave me instead of facing me. She is scared and for what?
Why would she be scared to face me? She never has been scared before so why now?
I swear that's all I have been thinking about. That's why I think she didn't get kidnapped by the Russians because Thalia knows how to take care of herself. She also would do something like run away from her problems and since I have known her, she has always been the one to do that.
It's just how Thalia rolls.
I get to the De Luca estate and park my car in the front after going through security. I get out of my car and walk inside the house and go to where Ace's office is.
I don't bother knocking because honestly, I don't give a fuck right now. I just want to go back home and be alone. I don't have time to find a girl who doesn't care about me.
"I remember telling you to knock, Alexander," Ace states.
He is sitting at his desk while looking down at his papers.
No one else is in his office, it’s just him.
"I don't have time to wait around for you, Ace. What do you need?" I ask as I sit down in the chair in front of his desk.
"I know what happened. I found Thalia," Ace claims, making me raise my eyebrows.
"Well, where is she then?"
"Still in Russia. More specifically in the Ivanov estate." Ace looks up at me from his papers. "So now I am trying to figure out what the fuck happened and what you guys did wrong."
"What makes you think we did something wrong?" I ask in a bored tone.