Page 75 of Thalia De Luca
There are many different ethnicities here and I even got to see my uncle, Alex, and cousin, Ariel. The last time I saw them was for the wedding, but we didn't get to talk much. I miss them though.
Jane is here though. She is with her parents right now, but I do want to catch up with her and see how she is doing.
"Hello, can I have everyone's attention please?" I hear Leo say from the microphone on the stage. I turn to face him. "Hope you are all enjoying your night, but I want to announce the winners for the awards tonight." Leo takes out a piece of paper. "For best seductress, I would like to present the award to Thalia Russo." I feel a smile come on my face.
"Congrats, angel. But I knew you would win," Alexander whispers in my ear.
I look at Alexander. "Let's just hope you get one too, Alexander." I leave him and go to the stage to get my award from Leo. "Thank you, Leo," I say before hugging him.
"Of course, Thalia. You deserve it."
Leo gives me my award and then I go back to my spot standing next to Alexander.
"Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" Alexander whispers in my ear as Leo announces the other awards.
"I think I remember you saying something like that."
"Well, just want to make sure you know how bad I want to take you into one of the rooms here and worship your entire body," Alexander whispers.
"Is this my reward from you for being the best seductress?" I raise my eyebrow at Alexander.
Alexander smirks. "Part of it."
"And I would like to announce the last winner, Alexander Russo for the best killer."
"Now I can give you an award," I whisper to Alexander.
Alexander's smirk wipes off and he just stares at me.
I see his eyes flash with something but before I can pinpoint what it is, his father calls him again ruining the moment.
Alexander walks away and goes to the stage where Leo congratulates him. Alexander smiles and I feel myself start to smile while watching him receive his award.
I don't know why but I can't help but feel that things between Alexander and I are different. It's possibly because we had mind-blowing sex the other day but still, I just feel myself thinking about him daily.
The other week, when we had sex it felt like love was being made but I don’t know if it’s one sided or not.
“Congratulations.” I turn my head and look at Rowan.
“Thank you.” I smile at him and then I see his eyes look at someone behind me making me turn my head and see Jane who is talking to a guy.
She is blushing and pushing hair behind her ear.
I look back at Rowan. “Stalker.”
Rowan furrows his eyebrows at me. “You don’t know anything.”
“I like to think I do.” I smirk. “Enjoy the rest of your night, Rowan.” I pat his shoulder before walking away from him and towards Alexander who is walking down the stage.
"Congrats," I say to Alexander once he walks up to me.
"Want to congratulate me by dancing?" he asks once the music starts playing.
I put my award on the table next to me. "Sure."
Alexander put his award on the table next to mine and he grabs my waist before pulling me to where some people are already dancing.
"You know how to dance, right?" Alexander asks as we stand in front of one another.