Page 2 of Wildest Desire
I was sold. I had my first client three weeks later, and I've never looked back.
“Girls, other than an event Helen would like you to assist with, you're all free this week.” Ms. Jackie passes Helen a file with the details of where to go, what to wear and so on. “The rest of you don’t have anything yet, but keep your phones with you in case something comes up. Lexi, could you stay back for a minute, please?” The rest of the girls pack their belongings and leave.
“I have a new client who needs you to attend an event with him tonight. You have to be at his apartment by five this evening, so you can meet and get to know each other.” I look down at my watch and see I only have 4 hours to prepare.
“It’s a little late for me to catch a flight to meet him, isn't it?” I'm not sure what Ms. Jackie has planned because she never allows local clients.
A look of uncertainty crosses her face as she taps her pen on the table. “That’s the thing, he lives here.” She pauses for a moment as my eyes reach hers. She knows what I’m going to say before I even say a word. “I know I’m breaking my own rules, but he called because his date had to cancel at the last minute and he needed someone for a one-time event.” She looks at me as I try to process the real meaning behind her words. “His name’s Ethan Knight, and he’s a big player here in the business world.”
“Why does that name sound so familiar?” I ask. I know I’ve heard that name before.
“He owns the high-end shopping mall here, and around the country. He must attend this event tonight and needs a plus-one. He’s paying twice our asking price. If I didn't agree, he said he would tell everyone what we actually do here.” She hands me a file that contains the client’s information and what to expect from and how to prepare for the event.
“So, he’s blackmailing you?” I ask. What type of person does that?
“Yes. Well, not really. I just don’t want to get on his wrong side. So, what do you say?” I’m at a loss for words.
“I best start reading.” I smile at her as I leave the room. Ethan hasn't made a friend in me. He's a dick for blackmailing Ms. Jackie and the company into doing this.
As soon as I get home, I pour a glass of wine and look through the event file. Well, at least he’s hot. I mean drool-worthy hot. He has the whole Brad Pitt look going on. Knowing I'll get to stare at him while he shows me off brings a smile to my face.
Skimming through the file, I see the scheduled event is a formal ball that raises money for charities around the area. There's a bit of detail about the attendees and what they represent, but I don’t see anything about what to wear or how I am to be presented.
Thinking I might have missed something, I give Ms. Jackie a call.
“Hey, I’ve read through the file and see it’s a ball, but it doesn't have anything about what I should wear,” I say.
“Mr. Knight said everything will be there when you arrive and you can choose from what he has picked.”
“Okay, then. I best hurry up and shower, shave and do a mini facial, so I can get there on time,” I say with a chuckle.
“Have fun tonight.” Ms. Jackie says, ending the call.
I pack my makeup and hair products so I can get ready there since I don’t really know what he's expecting. I drink the last sip of wine from my glass then walk into my bedroom and start my self-pampering routine.
Chapter 2
I look up at the penthouse of the address Ms. Jackie gave me, reminding myself I'll need to be careful around this man’s personal belongings. Someone with this much money must have a decorator. I’ll bet the artwork is breathtaking, and everything will be high-end.
I smile at the senior man at the desk as I walk into the building.
“Hello, my name is Lexi. I’m here to see Mr. Knight,” I say.
“How does he always get the beautiful ones?” The man gives me a wink, making me grin. “My name is Joe,” he says, putting his hand out for me to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Joe,” I say, taking his hand in mine.
“Mr. Knight is on the top floor.” I give Joe a surprised look. “He’s remodeling and has ripped everything out from the penthouse suite,” Joe tells me.
Making my way to his apartment, I think about one of the first rules Ms. Jackie gave us. We are never to Google a client. She doesn't want us to judge them before we even get a chance to know them by the stories we might find. She always gives us the information we need, and from there we make our own conclusions about them. I made the mistake of googling one of my clients when I first started and suffice it to say, it wasn’t glamorous. I was on edge with him the whole evening. Afterward, he called Ms. Jackie to let her know how stand-offish I acted, and she wasn’t pleased, to say the least. She told me that if I ever did it again, she would let me go without a second thought. Since then, I’ve never googled a client.
I knock on his door and smile as a woman opens it and looks at me. “You must be Lexi,” she says while opening the door wider. I take a step in and look around. “I’m Selena, Mr. Knight’s PA. We asked you to come early so we can let you know who will be at this event and what we need from you.”
I follow her through the apartment and look around to get a feel for the man. I'm confused, though. There are no pictures, the walls are unfinished, and the furniture is all white. There's nothing to help me come to a conclusion about him. Then I remember what Joe said downstairs. Mr. Knight is only in this apartment until his penthouse is complete.
She hands me a file. “This is everything you need to know for the event. It would be ideal for you to know what it's for and who will be there.”