Page 64 of Wildest Desire
“Good morning.Let me finish my coffee, then I'll be up to have a look.How much longer is it going to take, do you think?”Iask him.Iknow that he's not in a rush to finish it.
“I’ve told them to take their time. I want everything to be perfect.” Ethan fills his mug up with some coffee. “I need a few things extra things now that you’re moving in.”
I turn around to look at him.“When was this decision made?You haven’t asked me, nor have I said yes.”Puttingmyhand onmyhip, I wait for him to at least ask me.
“Fine.Lexi, will you move in with me?”
I start laughing at the way he's just asked me. It was the most childish thing I think I’ve heard. “Fine, I’ll move in with you,” I answer, mocking his tone and making him laugh.
“Come on.I have other work to do, too.”Ethanwalks over to the door as I drink the last of my coffee.
“You need to get laid. You seem very tense.” I laugh as I walk out of the door.
“Trust me. In two days, I’m taking the day off and locking you in the bedroom.” Ethan slaps my ass, and I can’t help but laugh some more at him. I still think he’ll break before I do.
Walking into the penthouse,Ilook at the mess.There’s no way this is going tobe finishedanytime soon.Thereisn’t even a kitchen inhereyet, and Ethan is already planning on making me breakfast in his apartment beforeIsayI’m moving inhere.
“There’s still a lot to do,”Isay, following him around the room.
“Yeah, but the master bedroom is all done.”Ethan looks behind and winks at me.“So, sinceyouare moving in, I thoughtyoucould see ifyouwantedto changeanything,”he says, opening the door and letting me look around.
Thisis so much bigger than I'm usedto.Even Ethan’s bedroom in the apartment is only about half the size of this room.I continue following him around the room.“What’s in here?”I ask.
“The massive closet, which has gotten a little bigger since I met you.”Ethan laughs as he opens the door.I stop and give him a'don'tbe a smartass' look.
“Wow, this is very nice,”Isay.Walking in further,Istop feeling overwhelmed whenIsee all my shoes on the back wall of the closet.
“Idon’t think you can buy enough shoes to fit in here, now.”Ethan wraps his arms around my waist from behind.“You have over half a wall to fill,”he says, kissing my neck.
“This is amazing, thank you!" I turn to face him. “I can’t wait to go shoe shopping,” I say, kissing him. I never thought I would have a closet, much less a wall just for my shoes.
“Does this give me more brownie points for the bedroom?”Ethan smirks at me.
I shake my head.“I can think of a few ways to say thank you.”He licks his lips, then huffs air between them.Is he about to break?WhenIsuck his bottom lip between my teeth, he pulls away from me.
“I think I need to get back to work.”
“Why? I thought we could have a little—”
“Iknow what you were thinking.Iwon’t hear theend ofit ifIgive in first, and that’s not about to happen.Never lost before, not going to start now.”Ethanputs his hands in his pants pockets and adjusts himself, causing me to start laughing.
“Give me two minutes.”
“Yeah, I have a very good idea of what you will be doing in those two minutes,”he says, walking out of the room, and I stay there feeling very happy with myself.
As soon as the clock hit ten, Selena was here. They’ve both been working non-stop on the paperwork for Edward and Angie. They’ve been on the phone with the lawyers several times and I can see Ethan starting to lose his temper. I’ve kept myself out of the way because I want this finished so he can put it all behind him.
Grabbing my phone off the table, I see Tanya’s name flashing. “Hey,” I answer.
“Teresa.” My body tenses and I walk over to the bedroom. He's done exactly what I was afraid of—he got to someone I care about. “I’m going to send you a message. I want you to come alone, or this beauty might get to meet your daddy very soon.”
“No, I’ll come, don’t you hurt her,” I whisper so Ethan won't hear me.
“Of course not. She isn't who I want to hurt. You're the person I want to hurt, and I promise to make it painful.” An ice-cold rush of blood runs through me, terrifying me.
The phone goes dead, and I wait for the message to come through. Ding. Looking at the address to the old warehouse, I wonder why he would want me to go there. Looking back at the address, it hits me. This is the old warehouse where all the drug addicts go. No one really goes around that area.
I'm panicking, but trying to act normal as I make myself walk back to where Ethan and Selena are still sitting. “I’m going to meet your sister for coffee,” I tell him. I'm scared. Scared I might not see him again the moment I walk out of the door.