Page 45 of Wolf Rebellion
Roxanne nodded.
"But... how? When? What full moon chose her?" Caleb asked.
Del told us which full moons have been confirmed to have chosen their vessels. The Wolf Moon, the Pink Moon, the Blood Moon, and the Blue Moon. The Wolf and Pink Moon were me and Roxanne, and I believed Del mentioned the Blood Moon chose a woman by the name of Mona. Through process of elimination, there was only one left.
"Del was chosen by the Blue Moon," I said.
"Correct," Roxanne confirmed.
Raph, Caleb, and Javier looked at one another, trying to digest this new development about their human mate. They all looked too stunned to try to make sense of all this.
"I gotta sit down." Caleb plopped down on the ground, running his fingers through his pale hair. "Did Del know about this the whole time? That she had the Blue Moon's gift?"
"Not in the beginning, but I sensed she may have figured it out when she was reading through her father's research papers pertaining to Mother Moon and the Moon Chosen. I know about it because I read her mind back in the diner. Her thoughts about her own gift were very loud."
"This is unbelievable," Raph said, pulling off his glasses and rubbed at his eyes like he had a headache.
"I wouldn't say that," Roxanne countered. "When you think about it, it all makes sense. Look at it this way, a human—a former wolf hunter—joining a pack of wolf shifters and becoming the first human alpha in a wolf pack. In addition, Del and I were connected through business and friendship, then became connected to Rosie when Del and Javier mated. Three Moon Chosen tethered together as if it were meant to be. It's ironic that in some ways, you could consider this Fate."
That was a pretty accurate statement. How else would you describe three Moon Chosen somehow stumbling into each other's lives other than Fate, yet Fate didn't always agree with us.
Fate is not as black and white as it seems and sometimes Fate loves to contradict itself.
Atropos' words came back to me, reminding me that Fate wasn't as clear cut as we liked to think. Maybe this was Fate’s design, which also sabotages itself in the process considering we were supposed to be fighting against it. So many conundrums.
"Rosie, come with me," Roxanne said, holding out her hand to me. I took it and she helped me back to my feet. Still hand-in-hand, we stepped closer to the Moon Dial, the dimly lit shimmers within the disc grew brighter the closer we got. Roxanne and I stepped into the water, wading through until we reached the stone object. I had to stand on my tip toes to see what was imprinted on the Moon Dial, but when I did, my breath was stolen from my lungs.
There it was, all thirteen full moons present on the Moon Dial, forming a circle along the center. If we were going by months, then the direction was clockwise, starting with the Wolf Moon being the first full moon of the year, and the Cold Moon being the last. All the crescent moon shapes looked to have been carved on the stone. Most of them had no light to them, except for the ones that had already chosen their vessels. The ones that have chosen had their shape colored in. The Wolf Moon was turquoise, the Pink and Blue Moon were obvious, the Blood Moon in October had a deep scarlet color to it. I also noticed another one that had its color, one that wasn't mentioned in the reports. The Cold Moon in December had a pale white color to its moon shape.
"Roxanne, look at this." I brushed my hand over the Cold Moon symbol. "Does this mean that it's chosen its vessel?"
"I think so," Roxanne replied. "Which means that there's someone with the Cold Moon's gift."
"I wonder who it could be." I also wondered about the Blood Moon's chosen. What was she like? According to the Moon Dial, the Blood Moon was in October. That was next month, Halloween. A part of me wondered if there was a connection to the two. The full moon already passed for September, but I inspect the symbol for it anyway. No color, so it hasn't chosen yet. What was it called again? The Harvest Moon? What kind of ability would it grant to its Moon Chosen? What did Del get from the Blue Moon?
"I was hoping this thing would give me answers, but all I'm left with is more questions," I said.
The boys came over and huddled around the Moon Dial, inspecting the symbols displayed. Raph pointed to each one and recited its name, starting with January's full moon. "Wolf, Storm, Crow, Pink, Flower, Hot, Thunder, Sturgeon, Harvest, Blood, Beaver, Cold, Blue." The Blue Moon wasn't within the circle, but rather in the center since it was an additional full moon.
"Thirteen full moons, and five have picked their Moon Chosen," Javier said.
"How does it even work? You said it would be able to pinpoint where each of the Moon Chosen are located, right?" Kao asked curiously.
Instead of responding, Roxanne placed her fingertips over the Cold Moon symbol and closed her eyes. The symbol sparked to life in a silvery glow. Roxanne's hand responded by glowing in a sea of pink magic. The lightshow lasted ten seconds before Roxanne pulled her hand back as if the Cold Moon bit her. Instantly the lights faded.
"Alaska," Roxanne said. "That's where the Cold Moon's chosen is located."
"You got all that from touching it?" I asked in amazement.
"Yeah, it showed me where she is, what town, her home, and what she looked like. But I think she sensed me too."
My brow furrowed. "What makes you say that?"
"Because it was being shown to me like a blurred movie projection, and when it gave me a view of what she looked like, her face turned to me, staring at me like she knew I could see her."
"Maybe that's why the Pink Moon reacted after the Cold Moon started glowing," Raph theorized. "Maybe the Pink Moon reacted to the Cold Moon, and they cross intersected."
"Maybe we should test that theory with the Blue Moon," Javier suggested. He went ahead and touched the Blue Moon symbol, closing his eyes just like Roxanne did. Same as before, the Blue Moon's azure light flashed for a few seconds before my brother yanked his hand back. He backpedaled in surprise, sputtering, "I saw Del. She's outside of Kingsrose now with Kai."