Page 50 of Wolf Rebellion
"Byron Fitz," a deep, robotic sounding voice bellowed.
I held up my hand and looked over my shoulder to see who I was dealing with. Whoever it was wore a leather jacket, pants and boots, with a hood that hid their face in shadows. Thanks to my heightened vision, I could make out the hard gaze coming from electric blue eyes and a lock of midnight blue hair peeking through the hood. The lower half of their face was hidden by a metallic mask, which I was guessing had a voice modifier connected to the interior. I heard enough rumors and fears from neighboring packs to know who this was and why she was here.
"The Blue Hunter," I said calmly. "Or should I call you by your name, Delphinium Young of the Blue Moon Pack."
"I'm not surprised you've heard of me," Del said through the modified voice.
"Any wolf shifter with enough sense knows that when you're in the area, it's not to sit and have a pleasant conversation, but I've heard you retired from wolf hunting."
"Not necessarily. While it's true that I prefer to work with wolves instead of killing them, there are some that I feel are worth sending to the afterlife. Starting with your alpha. Now, where is he?"
"You just missed him," I said. "Is that why you're here? To kill Pierce?"
"As tempting as that would be, I believe someone else has dibs on him. I'm here for someone else. Take me to Joaquin Santiago, and maybe I'll let you survive," Del said.
So, they're finally coming for Joaquin. I was curious how she got passed the betas patrolling Kingsrose. She didn't kill them, did she? "How did you get in here?"
"I'm asking the questions here, bub. Now, where's Joaquin, or do I have to put a few silver bullets in you to help jog your memories first? Honestly, I'm hoping for the latter."
"You don't have to do this, we're on the same side," I assured her, turning around fully to face her. Del must've taken my movement as a means of attack because she pulled the trigger and fired. Thankfully my reflexes sensed the danger, and I ducked down right at the nick of time. I swung my leg up, bashing her gun hand with the heel of my boot. I knocked the gun out of her hand, sending it flying in the middle of the lounge area.
Del's momentum hadn't wavered. She spun and went to land a punch. Back on my feet, I blocked her hit grabbing hold of her wrist. When she tried punching me with her other fist, I grabbed that wrist too. She struggled to break my hold, but I kept a firm grip on her.
"Del, listen to me. I don't want to hurt you," I growled.
Del’s eyes narrowed. Grabbing my wrists, she hoisted herself up using our joint clutches as leverage. She flipped around until her feet met my face. With her legs wrapped around my neck, she flipped us both to our right. I crashed against the wooden rails of the stairs, crumbling it on impact while Del landed on the ground next to it. I groaned, my top half dangling off the side of the rail like a towel on a rack. Meanwhile, Del flipped herself back to her feet. I started to get why she was so deadly. The girl knew how to fight, there was no doubt about it. How she was able to fight a wolf shifter—despite us having superior strength, speed, and stamina compared to an ordinary human—was a mystery.
The front door slammed open as someone bashed their shoulder against it. Kai stumbled inside, regaining his balance looking disheveled and wearing only a pair of jeans. He must've recently shifted before breaking the door down. "Del!" Kai sounded panicked but relaxed when he saw Del was the one standing, while I slowly tried to do the same, gritting my teeth and groaning from the soreness of taking down the railing with my body. Without a care in the world, Del walked to where her gun sat, picking it up and pointing it in my direction.
"Last chance, Fitz. Tell me where Joaquin is hiding and make it snappy," Del commanded.
If she would've listened to me in the first place, I would have by now. "Wait, I surrender," I said, hoping that would get the message clear. "I'll take you to where Joaquin is if you give me a second to talk without assaulting me."
"Where is he? Down in the basement?" Kai asked, sounding more reasonable than his companion. What was he doing out here with Del?
"He is. We better hurry, he's very weak and dying."
"We?" Del repeated after removing the mask from her face. "The onlywehere is me, Kai, and Joaquin."
"I'm coming with you."
"Like hell you are."
"Please," I begged. "I have information that Rosie might like to know about."
"What, that someone rescued her grandmother? Hate to break it to you, but we already knew that," Del responded.
So, they heard about it, or they were responsible for breaking her out. While I was relieved that Rosie knew her grandmother was safe, that wasn't the only news I had to give her. "I'm still coming with you."
Del fired a bullet that struck the wall behind me, the bullet missing the side of my head by mere inches. "You can't come if I kill you first."
"Wait." Kai raised up a hand to stop her, then eyed me curiously. "Why do you want to come with us?"
"Because if I have to pick a side, I'd rather join you guys if it means saving the people of Kingsrose," I said truthfully, surprised that I didn't feel a pang of guilt for renouncing my loyalty to Pierce.
"But I thought you were siding with Pierce no matter what."
"So did I, until I found out that nobody's safe from his wrath. Not with what I learned, but we'll talk about that later. Right now, we have to get Joaquin out of here and get to Rosie fast. Pierce seems to have found her and has sent Whitney and some of our betas to go after her."