Page 14 of Avoidance
He led me through a door to the left of the bar. We walked up two flights in a dimly lit stairwell. At the top, Chase twisted the key into the doorknob, and gave the door a push.
“Wow,” I breathed. Three large windows allowed the sunlight to come flooding into the spacious one-bedroom apartment. Two red velvet couches were pushed against exposed brick walls, facing a large flat screen television that was mounted to the wall. Nearby, a pool table stood in the open space to the right of the kitchen. At the kitchen island sat three red stools. All of the appliances were stainless steel, and looked unused.
“Bedroom’s right through here.” Chase motioned to the door that was half-opened just past the kitchen. “I really hope you like red,” he called as he carried our suitcases inside.
I stood at the window, in awe of the magnificent view. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and the Hollywood sign could be seen far off into the distance over the tops of the palm trees. It looked like a dreamland – Chase’s dreamland. Though I felt lucky that he wanted me to be a part of his new life, I wondered how everyone was doing back home.
It was difficult leaving my best friend, and all that I knew behind; it was difficult leaving Chase’s family, who had welcomed me in with open arms; it was difficult leaving after suffering through the death of my loved one, followed by the death of their loved one; but the thought that was currently stuck on repeat was the look on my mother’s face as I screamed at her to get away from me.
People say that a mother’s love is unconditional; they say that the connection between a mother and her child is the strongest bond there is; but what about the people who know of no such love? If a mother, who is supposed to be the epitome of selflessness, is only a wolf dressed up in her clothing… what becomes of her child?
I had no time to entertain such thoughts, though. Chase could not know. We arrived in California, and he had to prepare for his big break. I did not want him to feel an ounce of guilt, or second-guess his decision. He couldn’t be bogged down with my issues. It was up to me to help keep him focused. I would do anything and everything I could to make this the happiest time for him, even if it meant suffering alone.
Chase walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “What do you think?”
“It’s really nice.”
“It’s our first place together,” he whispered into my ear.
I smiled, closing my eyes as he planted little kisses along my neck. “It’s a big step.”
“I’m ready for it.” He turned me around and took my face into his hands. “I’ve been ready since the moment we met.”
“We were five when we met. You really knew I was the one back then?”
He jabbed my side playfully. “You know what I mean, smartass.”
I giggled, and pressed my mouth against his. Slipping my hands under his shirt, I ran my fingertips along his muscular stomach. “Want to go christen the bedroom?”
“You’re not worn out from last night?”
“No, but if you are I understand.” I backed away from him, pretending to pout.
Before I knew what was happening, Chase picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed as he carried me to the bedroom.
Chase and I spent the better part of the afternoon tangled up in our new red sheets. Then, we took a walk to the nearby market for some food to stock our refrigerator with. Before I knew it, it was five o’clock and he was kissing me goodbye.
I reached for my phone on the coffee table and decided to call Shelly. It would be weird going out tonight without her, and I missed having her by my side.
“Can you lie to me and tell me you hate it?” Shelly begged from the other side of the phone.
“So far, it all seems really nice. I won’t have an opinion until I’ve been here for a while.”
She sighed. “You sound so far away.”
“I know. I wish you were with me. It would make things much easier.”
“Yeah. The hours of endless sex with the man of your dreams sounds so difficult. You poor thing.”
I laughed.
“Does he know you’re avoiding your feelings by having sex?”
“Shut up and just let me tell you that I miss you.”
“Fine. I miss you, too. What time does Chase go on tonight?”
“He’s downstairs practicing with the guys now.” I held my phone away from my ear to check the time. “I’ll head down there in an hour or so. It’s going to feel so weird sitting at the bar by myself all night.”