Page 17 of Avoidance
“Are you ready?”
The room erupted even louder than before. I noticed Mr. Suit and Tie smirking as he looked around. His attention quickly settled back on Chase once he opened his mouth to start singing.
Chase looked like he had been doing this his whole life. If he was nervous, even I could not tell. He belted out one eighties hit after another, throwing in several favorites from the nineties after the crowd’s response to the first. Everyone was either jumping or dancing to the beat, and singing along with Chase as he worked the crowd. His arm muscles glistened from the sweat that was dripping down his body. His voice sounded amazing over the sound system. I was incredibly proud of him, and proud to witness this moment. I snapped a few pictures with my phone, along with a video. I wanted to document the night Chase was signed to his first record label.
Dave was busy, but continued to check on me to see if I needed anything throughout the night. He was kind, and I was grateful to feel like I knew someone. Tall and thin, his dark hair was perfectly parted to one side, and doused with so much product that it didn’t budge all night. His dark almond-shaped eyes were softened by his warm smile. Though he was not my type, he definitely seemed to be a hit with the ladies, considering how they ogled him while he served their drinks. He entertained them, but under the surface, looked uninterested.
“You’re new here.”
I looked at the stranger who was suddenly standing to my right.
“Where are you from?” he asked.
“New York.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Wow. What brings you to the other side of the continent?”
I pointed at the stage. “That man holding the microphone.”
He sneered. “You came all the way here because of some wannabe rock star?”
I placed my drink down, and swiveled in my seat to face him. “No. I came all the way here because my boyfriend is being signed to a record label.”
“How come you’re not off chasing your own dreams? What are you going to do while he’s busy becoming a star?”
“Definitely not talk to you.” I turned back to face the bar.
Dave handed his customer a beer, and made his way over to me. “Everything okay here?” he asked, giving the stranger a skeptical eye.
“Oh, we’re fine here,” he responded with a smile. “I was just getting rejected by this beautiful young woman.”
“Take the hint,” Dave suggested.
“I’d rather take my chances.”
I rolled my eyes, and then returned them back to the stage.
When Chase’s final set had ended, no sooner did he appear at my side. “Who’s your friend?”
“I’m Jake.” The stranger extended his hand.
“Jake, this is my – how did you put it – wannabe rock star boyfriend, Chase.” I smiled.
Chase shook his hand a bit harder than he normally shook hands. “Nice to meet ya, Jake.”
“Have a nice night,” he said to us with a nod. “Nice meeting you, New York.”
Chase shook his head. “I can’t leave you for two minutes.”
I laughed. “I had it handled.”
“Come on. I want to introduce you to the guys.”
I stood and snuck a five-dollar bill under my glass, and made my way to the stage.
“This is Bobby, Philip, and Chad.” Chase pointed to the guitarist, bassist, and drummer respectively. They waved.
I returned the wave. “It’s nice to meet you. You guys sounded great.”