Page 55 of Avoidance
“Me neither.”
“Dave is pissed, by the way. Brooke, too. They’re mad you never said goodbye.”
“Just tell them that I don’t do goodbyes very well. I’m sure I’ll see them again one day.”
“I don’t know. My plan is to help your family out at the shop. I will give Tanner a chance with this boxing thing. Whatever will help me, at this point.”
“How are they doing?”
“Your mom’s holding it all together. Khloe is her usual self. Tanner’s in a fight with Charlotte, but I know they’ll work it out. He’ll be fine.”
“What are they fighting about?”
“He didn’t say. She’s not speaking to him, so he probably did something dumb. I told him she’ll come around.”
“How do you know she will?”
“Because when you fall in love with a Brooks brother, there’s no alternative. Once you know them, you can’t ever go back to life without them.”
It was quiet on the line. The silence reminded me of how our relationship was when it started; we always found comfort in our silence, as long as we were together.
“You know, the hardest part wasn’t saying goodbye to you. It has been waking up every day without you, realizing that it wasn’t just some bad dream. You’re not here, and there’s nothing I can do.”
I covered my face with my hand, willing the tears not to surface. My head was pounding too much to cry. “We will be together again.”
“I love you.”
“And I love you.”
“Call me later.”
“Don’t ignore me.”
“I won’t.”
I listened for the click on his end, and took a deep breath. I was happy that we got to talk, but that didn’t change the pain radiating from the hole in my chest. The hole would remain empty until I was in Chase’s arms again.
Tanner emerged from the bathroom, his hair smooshed up on one side, like Chase’s often was when he woke up. “I don’t recommend sleeping in a bathtub.”
“I told you to sleep in my bed last night. You’re stubborn.”
“Chase would have killed me if I let you choke on your own vomit and die in your sleep.”
“You’re the best little brother a girl could ask for.”
“Yeah, well… this was a one-time thing. Don’t think I’m going to continue carrying you out of harm’s way every time you put yourself in front of it.”
“Thank you, Tanner. Seriously.”
“Do you plan on showering before we leave?”
“What’s wrong?” I patted the octopus of curls on top of my head. “You don’t think this is a good look for me?”