Page 67 of Avoidance
“You said I have control over everything I do.” I put my hands on my hips. “I’m not doing another push-up.”
He stared back at me, with a slow smile creeping across his face. “Okay. You win.”
I grinned triumphantly.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself. You still have to follow my rules.”
I raised my fists up near my nose. “Let’s go.”
For the next hour, we circled each other in the ring. We fell into our rhythm, like we were long-time dance partners. My body anticipated his movements, and reacted to them accordingly. My energy was calm, and my mind was focused; I thought about nothing more than throwing my next punch.
I had now trained with T.J. for a week. Every day had felt like Groundhog’s Day: work, train, sleep, and repeat. Though it was monotonous, the routine was healthy for me. Training with T.J. was therapeutic. We had bonded on a level that I had never bonded with anyone else; he was the first person I knew who had suffered in life the way I had. I understood him, and he understood me.
“Hey, T.J.!” someone called, braking my concentration. “Where do you want these?” Two men were carrying a long table through the front doors of the gym.
“Right over there by the front desk,” T.J. called. “Sorry,” he said turning back to me. “I lost track of time.”
“What are those for?” I asked.
“I’m having an open house tonight. Anybody that is interested in joining can come check the gym out, and meet our trainers. I invite other vendors from the area to come promote their businesses; that brings more potential customers that wouldn’t normally be here. There will be food and music. It’s a good time. You should come.”
“Can I bring my friend?”
“Of course. It’s from seven to ten.”
“Okay. I’ll be back.”
Once I was inside my car, I hit Shelly’s name on my phone.
“Finally! I’m withering away to nothing over here!”
“Why couldn’t you just eat a snack while you were waiting for me?”
“I’m so weak from hunger, I couldn’t get off the couch.”
I rolled my eyes. “Dinner’s at seven. I’ll be at your place by 6:45. Dress casual.”
“Oh!” she exclaimed. “We’re going on a date!”
I laughed. “Goodbye.”
After a quick shower, I threw on jeans and a light sweater. The end-of-April weather was finally warming up, and I was grateful to slip into my flats instead of boots. I missed the California sunshine and perfect temperatures; I missed Chase even more. I checked my phone while I waited for Shelly to come out of her apartment. No new messages or calls.
Shelly emerged from her apartment with a big smile, excited to begin our night. Her red hair bounced around her shoulders as she skipped to the car. “Where are we going?”
“T.J. is having an open house tonight. He said there will be food and music. I figured we could eat for free.”
“In the gym?” she crinkled her nose.
“Yeah. It seems like a big event. He was setting up when I left earlier.”
“Will there be shirtless, muscular fighters there?”
“I don’t know if they will be shirtless, but there should be plenty of muscles.”
“I suppose that will have to do.” She checked her makeup in the visor mirror.
“How’s everything with you and Brody?”