Page 92 of Avoidance
“I can drive. I’ll be your D.D.”
“If you’re not drinking, then I’m not drinking.” She stuck out her chin in an attempt to seem resolute.
“You don’t have to do that. You’re not the one with a drinking problem.”
“You jump, I jump, remember?”
I chuckled at the reminder of our eighth grade pact. “Okay. See you at nine.”
Though I still felt immense pain radiating from the hole in my chest, I was excited to prove to myself that I would be stronger than the urge to drink. Before I stepped into the shower, I tapped out a quick text to T.J. to inform him of my plan. Keeping him in the loop was part of my strategy to gain back his trust.
An hour and a half later, the girls’ night was in full effect. The warmer weather was teasing us as the months got closer to June, which made just about everyone in New York break out their summer wardrobes. We traded our boots for open-toed wedges, and swapped out our heavy sweaters with strappy tank tops. Shelly, Tina, Kenzie, and I danced in a circle in the middle of a very sweaty dance floor. Not one of them held a drink in their hands.
Tanner was perched at the far end of the bar, keeping watch of the front door. Charlotte had agreed to meet us, unaware of her ex-boyfriend’s planned presence. Part of me felt guilty for tricking her into crossing paths with Tanner; on the other hand, if she was half as stubborn as I was, she needed a helpful push in the right direction.
I spotted her as soon as she walked through the door. Blondes were far and few between on Staten Island. Instantly, I was brought back to the memory of being in California, and felt a wrenching in my heart. I put on a smile, and waved to Charlotte until she saw me. I quickly alerted Tanner with a text, reminding him to keep his distance until she had been here for a while. I didn’t want to make it obvious to her that she had been set up.
We danced and took selfies in true girls’ night fashion. Several guys kept trying to infiltrate our circle, but Tina was able to fend them off. Each time she did, Charlotte laughed and shouted, “I love her!”
I fanned myself after dancing for an hour straight, the sweat dripping down the middle of my back. “I’m getting us water!” I shouted to the crew.
Shelly and Tina exchanged glances. “Should someone come with you?” Shelly asked.
I shook my head, and held up my hand as I took my oath. “I promise I will be okay.” I spun on my heels, and made my way to the bar. It was less crowded outside of the dance space. I leaned against the bar, trying to flag down the bartender. I thought of Dave, and felt another shot to my chest. I checked my phone while I waited, and noticed a text from T.J.:
You clean up nicely.
Scrunchingmy face up in confusion, my head whipped around to search for him. Finally, my eyes settled on a familiar pair of sky blue eyes across the room. He was standing next to Tanner, wearing a black t-shirt, camo shorts, and his usual boyish grin. Another text from him drew my eyes back to my phone:
I know it’s a girls’night. Just wanted to tell you that you look great… and I’m proud of you.
I offeredhim a smile before responding to his text:
You don’t look tooshabby, yourself… and thanks ;)
I ordered five waters,and carried them back to the group of parched ladies. We chugged the water, and continued dancing.
Charlotte grabbed my forearm. “Tanner is here!”
“What? Where?” I looked in every direction except for the one I knew he would be in.
“He’s by the back door.” She pointed discreetly. “Do you think he’s here with another girl?”
“No way.” I craned my neck, pretending to look to see who he was with. “It looks like he’s here with friends.”
The girls looked where we were looking, already knowing my plan.
“You should go say hi,” Shelly suggested.
Charlotte shook her head feverishly. “No way. What if he’s here, looking to leave with someone?”
“Then he’ll leave with you, instead.” Tina’s bluntness wouldn’t go over well with someone as reserved as Charlotte.
Shelly punched my arm. “T.J. is here!”
I rubbed my arm. “Have you been working out?”
She stretched up onto her toes, waving Kenzie over. “You have to see Merritt’s trainer.”