Page 94 of Avoidance
“Short stuff is a tough guy now!” Tina laughed.
“Come on.” I pulled on Charlotte’s arm. “Let’s go say hi to the boys. I think we’ve been spotted.”
She nervously fixed her hair as we approached Tanner.
“Hey, little brother.” I slapped him on the back.
He and Charlotte wore matching smiles as they stared into each other’s eyes.
“You’re like a matchmaker,” T.J. whispered into my ear.
I grinned proudly. “T.J., this is Tina and Kenzie. You already know Shelly.”
Shelly waved, refraining from attempting to speak words this time.
T.J. acknowledged the girls, and returned the wave to Shelly. “How’s your night going, Red?”
Shelly’s cheeks now matched her new nickname. “It’s good. We’re having a girls’ night.”
“Well, we were,” Tina said, nodding at Charlotte and Tanner.
“Nice ink.” T.J. gestured to her colorful arm. “When are you getting yours?” he asked me.
“You’re getting a tattoo?” Tina shouted. “You tell me nothing!”
“I haven’t decided yet. Calm your tits.”
“Wanna dance?” I overheard Tanner ask Charlotte.
“Uh… it’s a girls’ night. I don’t want to break the rules.”
I gently pushed her towards him. “We can make an exception.”
Her face lit up. “Okay. Lead the way.”
Tanner looked like a kid on Christmas morning. He took her hand, and walked to the dance floor.
“It’s nice to see you smiling, baby doll.” T.J. pushed me with his shoulder.
I caught Tina mouthing, “Baby doll?” to Shelly, followed by Shelly’s exaggerated shrug.
“I don’t feel like drinking at all. It feels great.”
Kenzie hugged me to her side. “I’m glad you’re doing better.”
“Have you heard from your mother since you saw her?” T.J. asked.
“Nope. I was pretty upset that night. I think she’s giving me some time to deal with everything she unloaded on me.”
“What do you think you’re going to do?” Shelly inquired.
“Truthfully, I don’t know. I want to meet with her again, just so I can be done with her. I don’t think I could ever have an actual relationship with her.”
“Maybe you can’t have the same relationship you once had,” T.J. replied. “But you might be able to create a new one. One you feel comfortable with.”
“Brain and brawn,” Tina murmured.
T.J. looked down at his sneakers and smiled.