Page 21 of Naomi
But it was her only basis of understanding. Until now.
Oh, how wrong she had been to even imagine that was a romantic encounter of any kind.
This was what songs were written about, what the holo-films hinted was possible. This was the kiss of pleasure and the ache of need that made worlds go round.
And while a proper Terra-58 woman would not experience it before having a child and husband, she couldn’t bring herself to feel guilt.
Not when everything in her was whispering and screaming to her that all she ever needed was more of whatever Gage wanted to give. That she could die happy as long as his hands and mouth were always on her.
“Are you okay?” he murmured, pulling back.
She opened her eyes, ready to cry at the feel of her pebbled nipples in the cold air without his hands and mouth toying with them.
“More,” she whispered, shocked at her own wanton demand.
Gage’s violet eyes seemed to catch on fire, and he bent to capture her breast in his mouth again.
Something was building in her, tightening and coiling in her center. Her hips were quivering, lifting against him.
He slid a hand down her belly and rested on the scrap of lace that lay between him and her pulsing sex.
Naomi moaned helplessly, her desire pounding, as if that tender flesh had a heartbeat of its own.
“Can I take these off?” he asked her. “I want to touch you.”
She lifted her hips, her words lost to her.
He tucked his thumbs under the waistband and removed the last stitch of clothing from her trembling body.
What he did next would hurt, she knew it from the holo-films they showed in health class, explaining what a woman could expect.
And though her breathing went a little shallow at the thought, she wasn’t afraid. So long as he touched her, she didn’t even care if it hurt.
“Naomi,” he murmured. “Are you frightened?”
She shook her head slowly as she gazed into his eyes. Their violet color had darkened so much that they were nearly black.
“What I do to you tonight will not hurt,” he told her. “I only want to make you feel good. Do you want that?”
“Yes, please,” she whispered. “Please, Gage.”
His eyes went hazy, and she thought for the first time about his need, how he must be holding back.
Her belly tightened again, sending a pleasant twinge through her.
Gage lowered his face to her navel and pressed his lips to her.
A sigh of pleasure escaped her lips, and he growled back at her, pressing kisses to her hips and thighs.
She closed her eyes, overwhelmed with need.
Then she felt something warm and firm slowly stroke the seam of her sex.
“Gage,” she gasped, opening her eyes just in time to see him run his tongue along her again.
Wild sensations swept through her, and she nearly cried when he licked her a third time.
“Easy, my love,” he murmured to her, as if she were a frightened animal, about to bolt. “I’ve got you.”