Page 45 of Naomi
The thing of it was, until this week, he would have felt he was doing well. For a man in his position, he had been careful, saved as much as he could, and invested wisely. Even without saving the Bly-Xarxyn kids, he would have retired comfortably one day.
But compared to the jerks at her law firm, he was a peasant. Ten lifetimes wouldn’t be enough to turn his savings into assets like theirs, even with a good mind for investing.
The doors to the spa slid open, and the sight of Naomi nearly knocked the wind out of him.
Her dark hair was pinned up, with a few soft tendrils escaping, revealing the elegant curve of her exposed neck. Her dress shimmered, the iridescent silky fabric plunging low to reveal the tops of her breasts, and clinging to her waist before flaring out at the hips and falling nearly to her ankles in gauzy layers.
She looked like a young goddess, ready for a moonlight hunt, or to be wed at midnight under the stars.
His pulse pounded in his ears.
“Hi,” she said softly.
“Hi,” he echoed, having forgotten every other word.
“Oh,” she said, her eyes lighting up as she looked over his shoulder. “Horses.”
“Oberon thought you might enjoy riding in a horse-drawn carriage,” Gage told her, recovering slightly. “Is that considered romantic on Terra-58?”
“Very romantic,” she assured him as she moved gracefully to the horses, extending her hands for them to sniff.
One tossed his mane and clomped the ground with a restive hoof.
But the other nuzzled her palm as if looking for a treat.
“There are carrots on the seat of the carriage,” Oberon said, his voice coming from everywhere and nowhere at once.
Gage jogged over to grab them and bring one to Naomi.
“Thanks,” she said, her eyes sparkling.
The friendlier stallion took the carrot, crunching happily while she scratched behind his ear.
While she watched, the other one nudged her bottom.
“Oh,” she said in surprise.
Gage tried not to laugh as he grabbed another carrot for her.
“I suppose you want one too,” she suggested, holding it on an open palm.
The stallion took it gingerly from her hand and crunched it up without looking at her.
“Stars, but they’re gorgeous,” she said, stepping back. “I’ve seen them in the park pulling carriages, but never up close.”
“Why not?” Gage asked.
“You know, I’m not really sure,” she told him. “From now on, if there’s something I’m interested in I’m going to grab onto it with both hands.”
He smiled at her enthusiasm.
They headed for the doors of the carriage. Though the seating was up fairly high from the ground, there was no step.
Gage realized it must be Oberon’s work. Nothing here had been forgotten. This was an excuse for them to touch.
“Can I help you up?” he offered, extending his hand.
“Thank you,” she said, taking it.