Page 51 of Naomi
Naomi and Gage followed her as she marched to the front of the line.
“Clients,” Dr. Pan announced as they passed the parade of employees. “Clients coming through.”
Most of the employees nodded to them or ignored them. Naomi figured they must be used to giving clients priority service here.
But one man tapping his foot near the front of the line got a look on his face like he had smelled something awful when he saw them going first. He was carrying what looked like a heavy backpack and sweating a little under his load, so Naomi could hardly blame him for being frustrated.
She mouthed the word sorry as they passed, but he looked away.
When they reached the main doors, a large, Bergalian security guard stepped in front, blocking their path.
“Authorized personnel only,” the big, furry man said flatly.
“We are authorized,” Dr. Pan retorted, holding up her bracelet.
“Not all of you,” he responded, eying Athena suspiciously.
“Of all the…” Dr. Pan began.
“It’s okay,” Gage told her. “We don’t need to make a fuss. It will be better if we just get in and out. Athena can wait for us out here.”
Athena moved beside the guard and sat, her tongue lolling slightly out of her mouth as she panted from the run.
“We’ll be right back,” Gage told her as they stepped inside.
“This way,” Dr. Pan said, opening a door and ushering them inside.
A massive foyer welcomed them. Big windows revealed the parklike setting outside, and a holo-screen on the far wall streamed news from all over the sector.
Dr. Pan led them past more employees, toward a corridor.
Gage had a distinctly bad feeling as the young Vystian staff member slid his thumb over Naomi’s bracelet.
It wasn’t just that the Vystian was extremely good-looking, with shivering tentacles flowing from his head like hair, or that he was gazing unapologetically at Naomi’s breasts, with an expression of frank appreciation on his handsome face. That was just surface jealousy.
But Gage’s gut was rumbling, telling him things weren’t right. And he’d learned long ago to trust his instincts.
He cursed himself for not insisting that he be allowed to bring Athena inside.
He missed her attentive eyes and clever snout.
And her vicious sharp teeth.
“There,” the Vystian said, smiling dangerously at Naomi. “You’re all set now.”
“Thank you,” she said, apparently not even noticing his open flirtation.
Gage stepped in before the boy had a chance to wave him forward. He didn’t want to be taking orders from the little creep.
“What’s actually going on here?” he demanded, thrusting his arm forward so the kid could adjust the bracelet.
“Just standard procedures,” the boy drawled importantly. “A precautionary measure.”
“A standard precautionary measure because of what?” Gage asked.