Page 67 of Naomi
Then he was climbing up to cage her head in his arms, his eyes flashing violet and indigo as he gazed down at her.
“Gage,” she murmured.
“Is this what you want?” he demanded. “Do you want to be mine forever? There will be no going back.”
“Yes,” she told him, afraid he wouldn’t believe her. “Yes, yes, yes.”
“I will try not to hurt you,” he told her, his voice a sexy growl.
She waited as he took himself in his hand and pressed against her.
The size of him was frightening, but he felt so, so good.
She slid her hands up to caress his horns again and his eyes went hazy with lust.
Then he was pressing inside her, forging a path of pain that burned away to pleasure, until she was clenching his horns in her hands and jogging her hips, desperate for him to move.
With a roar of surrender, he dragged himself out and plunged back in.
The pleasure was dizzying. She cried out, losing track of herself, of everything around them.
There was only Gage, and the delicious coiling pleasure he filled her with.
When she wailed with need, he slid a big hand between them, massaging her little pearl until the pleasure shot through her and she exploded with it, feeling as if light were bursting from every pore.
As it loosened its hold on her, she could feel him tensing.
He cried out hoarsely and she felt him pour himself into her with a series of throbbing jets that went on and on.
When he fell back on the mattress at last, she crawled onto his chest, and he pulled her close, nuzzling her hair.
“Are you okay?” he asked her. “I’m sorry I lost control.”
“That was wonderful,” she told him honestly.
“Good,” he told her. “You probably have about five minutes if you want a drink of water or something to eat.”
“And then what?” she asked, surprised. She had been fully planning to snooze on his big warm chest.
“Then you’ll need me again,” he chuckled.
“No,” she laughed.
But when he nuzzled her hair, he seemed to send sparks down her spine, and she felt the fresh hunger twisting in her.
“Ohhh,” she sighed.
Then he was pulling her on top of him, feeding at her mouth as she wiggled around to find him rigid as steel again and ready for her.
Naomi awoke with light filtering in from between the palm fronds.
She stretched and felt a rainbow of soreness and pleasure. It was like she had spent a month at the gym, or like she hadn’t stretched in a year.
But what had happened was neither of those things.