Page 15 of Wolf Queen
I make a circling motion with my arm. “It doesn’t matter, we have to go. People are coming to take you both prisoner. I had a vision. We have to—”
My words are cut off by the squeal of tires as the white van turns into the alley and barrels toward us, moving so fast that despite what I saw in my vision, I’m afraid it’s going to run right over both of the teens.
“Run, run!” I scream, but Jacob and Diana are already on the move.
They fly past me, Diana grabbing my hand on her way by and dragging me through the dimly lit stock room. We burst through the Staff Only door and sprint past the pet food to the front of the pharmacy.
The clerk who checked me out shouts something as we pass, but there’s no time to respond.
We hit the automatic doors hard and tumble out onto the street.
“To the river.” I point west. “If we have to, we can go in and swim to the other side,” I pant as we start running again. “They can’t follow us into the water in a van.”
It’s a decent split-second plan. If we make it to Riverside Drive, there are parks and docks on the other side. I could see them from the roof at dinner last night. At the end of one of those docks, we can plunge into the Hudson, potentially making it over to the Jersey side before the people pursuing us figure out a way to catch up.
But we don’t make it to the end of the block before more masked people in black jump out of a limo idling in front of a coffee shop. One moment we’re weaving through pedestrians, the next the bad guys are right in front of us.
There isn’t enough time to slow down and avoid a collision, let alone change directions.
I slam into what feels like a woman—an extremely buff one—and am instantly lifted into the air. I kick and struggle, but she’s way too strong. She handles me like a child, easily pinning my arms to my sides as she slides back into the limo with me on her lap.
Sadly, Diana and Jacob, despite being far stronger and fit to fight than yours truly are captured not long after.
The last thing I see before a black hood drops over my head is Diana’s furious, fear-filled gaze meeting mine across the limo as the doors slam shut.