Page 15 of Two of a Kind
“I think I’ll go explore the casino. Maybe grab a bite to—never mind.” Maisie swallowed her words at the twin expressions of revulsion on her coworkers’ faces at the mere thought of food.
“You should go have fun,” Donna said.
When both women had left and Maisie finished closing up for the night, she was left with no idea what to do.
If only I hadn’t turned down Drew’s offer for drinks.
With a pang of regret, Maisie realized she didn’t even know the woman’s number or remember her last name. Even if Maisie was inclined to find her and tell her about the change of plans, she didn’t know where to begin. Maisie wasn’t the type to put a plea out on social media saying something like, “Do you know a cowgirl named Drew?” That only invited the kooks and unwanted advice.
Guess I’m on my own.
Deflated, Maisie wandered out of the nearly empty exhibit hall. She wondered how many others would be down for the count tonight. She wished she could tell Drew how those pieces of beef jerky had apparently saved her from a fate worse than death.
As Maisie passed through a large swath of gaming tables in a room that was decorated to look like nineteenth century Paris, a very distinctive cowboy hat in the distance caught her eye. Her steps slowed as her brain whirred through its disbelief. Could that be who she thought it was? Maisie chuckled to herself as she pivoted and headed toward her new target. If her luck was really this good, maybe she should sit down and play a few hands of cards. She might go home a millionaire.
Wouldn’t that solve all her problems?
“I thought that was you.” Maisie smiled ear to ear as she recognized Drew’s face beneath the wide brim.
Drew looked up and flashed an equally enthusiastic grin. “Hey!”
“So, what are you up to tonight? Because as it happens, my plans—”
“No talking,” barked the particularly cutthroat looking dealer. Maisie thought he could’ve been a pirate in a former life. “If you want to continue chatting with your friend, you have to play.”
“Oh, I…”
The dealer motioned to the chair next to Drew, and Maisie found herself sinking into it before her brain could factor in the consequences.
“You a big poker player?” Drew asked.
“No.” Maisie wondered if she looked as terrified as she felt. If so, it wasn’t surprising the dealer had been eager to get her to play. No doubt they were always on the lookout for fresh meat, and Maisie was easy pickings. “I really wasn’t planning to gamble.”
“Right. You’re probably on your way to those plans you said you had.” Drew’s jaw tightened, and something in her tone made Maisie realize the woman thought she’d been lying.
“Change of plans, actually.” Did she sound as elated as she felt? “My coworkers went to bed with bellyaches. Too much dairy substitute.”
Drew tossed her head back in a deep, hearty laugh that made Maisie vibrate all over. “Saw that one comin’ a mile away.”
“I appreciate the warning. And the jerky,” Maisie added.
“Place your bets,” the dealer growled.
Maisie’s muscles tensed. “Maybe I should go. I don’t have money to lose.”
“Stay. Maybe you’ll get lucky.”
The fire in Drew’s eyes stopped Maisie’s breath. It was a look she’d seen a time or two before, usually from guys in bars hoping to take her home after last call. There was no doubt in Maisie’s mind it meant the same thing now as it had those other times. What surprised her was the difference in her own response. Every fiber of Maisie’s being was drawn in, desperate to stay.
It terrified her. But not necessarily in a bad way. Except for the losing money part. She was always so careful with her budget, but being around Drew made it hard not to throw caution to the wind.
“I… I’m not…”
“Here.” As if sensing the root of the problem, Drew set her hand on a pile of chips in front of her, sliding them toward Maisie with a sly expression that turned Maisie’s insides to liquid fire. “You can use these. We’ll play one hand, and winner gets to decide.”
“Decide what?” Maisie struggled to speak around the lump in her throat.
“Whether we go our separate ways or go to dinner together tonight.” The desire in Drew’s gaze cranked to broiling.